How is this race so close?

Posted by TheMemeingOfLife8008

  1. Once the numbers are in, we’ll see exactly how many idiots there are here because you have to be truly stupid to vote for the guy who is a criminal, liar, rapist, pedo and a wanna be dictator.

  2. I mean, we need to basically subsidize people to have children the way healthcare and childcare costs are rising. It’s probably the best example of the need for per child UBI for parents.

  3. But if they raise taxes for billionaires, what’s my incentive to become a billionaire? That’s _the most important issue here_

  4. Because, people love their racism…if they actually had to take ownership of their screw ups, it would kill their ego. They rather pay more money than to gain, and keep their racism.

  5. Watching the debate, Vance lied and made it seem like he supported a lot of things Walz/Harris does. And Walz let home get away with it said something like “we agree on a lot of things”.

  6. What is even more confusing is how people ask this question? Like are you fucking blind? The systemic attack on education, the non-stop propaganda, the identity politics, the Christian’s and white nationalists gaining traction in the internet when before they were dispersed. It’s not a fucking mystery. 

  7. Undecided? Really?

    Not a closeted Republican unwilling to admit they are voting for a racist, convicted felon?
    Not an attention seeking individual, hoping to engage with anyone?

  8. You’re failing to realize that there are people on both sides that could care less about policy and promises. They will vote down the party line regardless

    “I could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave and not lose a single vote” is 100% true because it’s a cult. They don’t care what the cult leaders say, they follow.

  9. Where is all this beautiful prime federal land that is near/in high population areas that vance wants to build homes on? Last I checked it was all located in the middle of nowhere.

  10. The problem not being addressed is that corporations are buying up homes to rent at prices more than their mortgage and with those profits buying more homes. We’re becoming a streaming service society that owns nothing and rents everything

  11. Maybe I’m just an optimist, but I don’t think its going to be as close as the narrative is implying, for a few reasons:

    *disclaimer* obviously, go out and vote no matter what. Its way to important to ignore*disclaimer*

    The only election Trump has actually won was against Hillary Clinton. Clinton was a terribly campaigner, who took several states for granted, and seemed to be running on a platform of “vote for me, because I’ve been good and its my turn to be president now”. Trump ran as an outsider against the wife of a former president, which is about as inside as you get. Trump’s victory wasn’t a victory for him so much as it was a rejection of Clinton.

    In every single election/referendum since 2016(to my knowledge), Democrats and liberal causes have significantly outperformed polling expectations. This is mostly due to faulty methodology, sometimes deliberately.

    Corporate media doesn’t care about honesty and journalistic integrity anymore. If they cared, the poor people of Springfield, Ohio would have much easier lives right now and, honestly, Trump probably wouldn’t have won in 2016. They care about higher ratings, and the ad dollars those ratings earn them. A one-sided race is boring, so they need it to at least seem competitive. Since Trump/Vance is so absolutely, blazingly obviously the worst ticket of the two, the coverage ends up targeting Harris/Walz more often in order to try to bring things back to “even”.

    Abortion. Lots of people around the country are *pissed off* about Dobbs, and they know exactly which party to blame for it. Ten states have anti forced-birth initiatives that have passed muster to appear on the ballot in November (barring GOP chicanery):

    – Arizona

    – Colorado

    – Florida

    – Maryland

    – Missouri

    – Montana

    – Nebraska

    – Nevada

    – New York

    – South Dakota

    Seven of those states are either red states or swing states. I doubt severely that voters motivated to show up to vote against forced-birth are going to. at the same time, vote for the party that is not only responsible for it, but proud of it.

    Like I said, I may just be optimistic, but I think its a lock.

  12. They’re not undecided. They either think telling people they are will make others think they’re really smart because they’re “conducting a deep analysis” of everything before deciding very close to the election, or they’re voting for Trump and don’t want to say so.

  13. There are NO undecided voters, anyone who claims that “they’re undecided” or “both sides are bad” are just trying to be ostracized or vilified for their choice.

  14. The only thing undecided voters are confused about is how to vote for Trump, be open about it, but not be ostrosized by half their family and friends

  15. Walz should have practiced more looking at him like he was an idiot, instead of looking at home like he was surprised he was a fast talking used car salesmen.

  16. What global warming? Nothing will change until every single public school is required by law to teach critical thinking.

  17. We’re a group of friends also concerned about how Project 2025 will harm us and our country. After doing a deep dive, we created a series of flyers that can be posted to explain the ways Project 2025 will negatively impact the lives of every day americans. These can be downloaded at [](

    Each flyer contains a QR code to the specific topic the flyer is referencing where the reader can find a few bullets summarizing the Project 2025 goals for that particular topic.

    Let us know if you have any suggestions or recommendations on either the flyers or the website!

  18. People like to be masturbated. Maybe that’s what the undecided voters are looking for, someone to jerk their egos.

  19. The liars have convinced conservatives that Democrats are literal demons.

    So they are choosing not between Republicans and Democrats, but between liars and demons.

    Because conservatives pretend to be christian, they are siding against demons.

    That’s it.

    Healthcare is Demonic because the GOP and Fox News says so.

  20. Look at a map of education levels in the US. Then, look at a map of how people voted. They will be almost the same image.

  21. Could I ask that people start putting quotes around “undecided voters” to distinguish the truly undecided from those who are just claiming to be? Most of my life I’ve never cared for politics so these kinds of things would never have applied to me as it was more a matter of just ignoring the political process entirely; there were no buttons to fret over.

    The russian agents pretending to be “undecided voters”, however, are using the same tactic they used in 2016 to try and paint trump’s opponent as “just as bad as trump, so why bother voting?” (while trump hypes up his fans to vote). Hence why it’s really important to remind people to register to vote and to then vote! And that means giving people a reason to vote for harris (rather than not vote at all), and that should be easy enough to do by pointing to her platform (scroll down to the lists, starting with “Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families”)

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