Trump Unsettled as JD Vance Outshines Him on the Debate Stage: Morning Joe

Trump Unsettled as JD Vance Outshines Him on the Debate Stage: Morning Joe

Trump Unsettled as JD Vance Outshines Him on the Debate Stage: Morning Joe

Posted by inewser

  1. The only reason anyone would agree to be the vice president to a man they had already called America’s Hitler as if they are looking to be his successor.

    And if there is one thing Nazis are good at, it is stabbing other Nazis with long knives.

    So Donald Trump is very right to be worried.

  2. JD has no moral compass whatsoever. Diaper Don should be very afraid of his smarmy, lying VP pick.

  3. Vance did outshine Trump, but that’s a really low bar.

    Vance opened stronger. Walz finished stronger. Everyone is saying their guy won. It was a draw.

    My takeaway is that the debate showed just how batshit insane Trump is more than anything. You can have a reasonable policy debate about these issues and there is a surprising amount of agreement. Trump just doesn’t want to do this.

  4. Everyone needs to start reporting that Vance is carrying this election and only he can save it. The meltdown will be epic.

  5. Was tub’o’lard ever not outshone, by anyone, ever?

    It completely lacks all self awareness. Ick.

  6. trump has severe dementia making vance look better by comparison a turnip would have done better in a debate when compared to trump

  7. I had a similar thought towards the end of the debate. Vance performed much better than expectations, and I bet a lot of Republicans and conservatives are sitting there this morning wondering why he isn’t their nominee. Probably lots of talk about limiting Trump’s public appearances and pushing Vance to be the campaign spokesperson moving forward.

    Trump is probably fuming that he bungled the debate HARD, but his running mate absolutely crushed it by comparison. Trump will probably start dismissing Vance in public comments because in his world nobody is allowed to outclass him, especially not his running mate.

    The worst thing for Trump would be to win and everyone claims it was because of Vance in spite of Trump’s constant fumbles.

  8. Trump is showing diminished capacity. Whether it’s just aging, stress and fatigue, narcissistic collapse, or some form of dementia, the man is unwell. I truly believe that the MAGA powers that be (aka project 2025 creators) would happily remove President Trump for said reasons and install JD in his place. It would be a dicey move considering the cultish following Trump has, but I think it’s definitely being considered.

  9. But he won bigly , he said that , no one has ever won as bigly as Trump. People came up to him with tears in their eyes , big strong manly people and said , Sir l have never seen such winning , l am truly exhausted at the amount of winning l have seen . How could this stable Genius be “Unsettled” ?

  10. I’ll be honest, a Vance unshackled from Trump is a concern to take seriously at this point. He looks a lot more credible than his boss.

  11. I said dumpy not gonna be happy! Vancie was civil and respectful, and Walz was the same. Donvict wanted a cage match. Instead, it was 2 people who talked, converse, and shared ideas

  12. A monkey could outshine Trump on the debate stage
    The bar is not that high to begin with

  13. So just blow up Trumps social accounts with “J.D. Vance looked WAY more presidential than Trump” jargon and let the cannibalism begin.

  14. gotDAMN he looks old! Going full boomer mode now I guess what with being upset at his young whippersnapper partner being better at his job than him.

  15. Yes… people are wondering why Trump can’t step aside and let Vance run in his stead like Biden did with Kamala.

  16. I’m waiting for trump to announce he’s debating JD Vance to prove he is the best debater and way better then Vance. People close to trump very intelligent people some of the smartest people to ever live have told trump wow you’re such a spectacular debater

  17. What an awful article. This is nothing more than speculation that trump is upset. I am sure he is but the author said he is with 0 evidence backing it up.

     “Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough said that Donald Trump **MIGHT** be feeling quite uneasy after witnessing JD Vance’s performance during the vice presidential debate.”

    “another MSNBC contributor, echoed Scarborough’s sentiments, **PREDICTING** that Trump would be bothered by the buzz surrounding Vance’s performance.”

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