Sadiq Khan’s night czar Amy Lamé to stand down after eight years

"It is unclear whether Ms Lamé will be replaced with a new night czar"

by RianJohnsonIsAFool

  1. She’s come in for a lot of criticism, but in her defence, she’s been shit at her job.

  2. I might apply. I don’t drink, nor do I like clubbing or dancing but can’t be worse than her

  3. Before you criticise, important to note there was no criteria for success or failure in this role. Purely ceremonial and for PR. That said, can’t think of single thing she achieved.

  4. This was such a deeply frustrating tenure to watch play out.

    She was definitely qualified to do *something* having spent the best part of two decades running a clubnight here and I can see why it might have been a good choice originally, but she just seemed to achieve absolutely nothing quantifiable or useful.

  5. What do we want next? I loved the name night czar.

    Here are my suggestions:

    – Night Emperor
    – President of the Night
    – Nightatolla
    – SuPM Leader
    – Night Queen Consort

  6. Ah, yes. The woman who protected London nightlife by going “I can’t do anything!” about every nightlife problem. Whilst getting £120k a year for it.

    I’ve been producing and DJing since she got in power and I know quite a few promoters, DJs, producers etc. She’s been less than useless. I can’t name one person she’s assisted with anything. If she came up in conversation, we’d universally agree she’s done fuck all except line her own pocket. So many weren’t even sure what she actually did lol. Nor can I name anything she did apart from occasionally appearing in some naff charity speeches or generic Q&As on running your club night.

    I hope they don’t bring anyone else into the role. I remember she often used the excuse of having no leverage over council decisions. The Night Tzar is clearly a completely pointless PR job if they have no real power to influence any decisions.

  7. Genuinely no idea how she’s got to where she has. Shocking at this job, shocking when she’s on the radio.

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