Inspired by the recent renew in bashing Hans and it’s addiction to coal

Inspired by the recent renew in bashing Hans and it’s addiction to coal

by baguette_stronk

  1. I wonder if 2westerneurope4u could sponsor one of Pierre’s nuclear plants on Hans’ border?

  2. It would be bad enough if it was regular coal from Pavel, but they are using lignite, which is less energy dense than wood and fucking up a nature reserve to get it

  3. I fully support the bullying of Hans and even of us Basement-Fritzls because of all our r*tarded actions with nuclear

  4. The Butthurtness just because Germany does not want to finance French nuclear reactos is quite funny to see.

    What’s up Pierre, so broke?

  5. “recent renew” – my dude, you guys have been talking about nothing else for ***two years now, theres literally daily posts***

    I mean, we fucked up, but the amount of space we apparently take up in your heads is insane

  6. Nuclear boys are always so vocal. If it’s so cheap and great, why are more plants closing than coming online?

  7. Isn’t there reasonable issues with nuclear such as the time and costs to get a plant online and the fact that sometimes the general public is irrationally scared of nuclear do to the very infrequent but real accidents associated with it?

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