My boyfriend knows I like bread and butter pudding and brought this home for me. I asked him what this slimy grey brick was, and he said it was bread pudding, and sounded surprised, assuming that if I liked one I’d like the other. I’ve never had it before – is this what it’s supposed to be like?!

by Amelie_Argyle

  1. Absolutely what it’s supposed to look like, although your photo does make it look a litle anaemic. They’re usually a little more brown/grey than that.

    Bread Pudding is a favourite of mine. When my grandfather passed away at the ripe old age of 90, I was ok with it. He’d led a long life and his passing was peaceful.
    Then I remembered that the last thing that he’d given to me was a couple of pieces of his bread puddng and I’d left them at home when I went back to uni. That was the most heartbreaking thing. Not only would I never have his bread pudding again – which I’ve also never found one to match up to – the last time I’d had the opportunity to, I’d forgotten it and missed out.

    I’d give almost anything for another bite of it.

  2. Yeah that’s bread pudding, it’s widely liked but there is no accounting for taste!

  3. Bread and butter pudding – made with slices of bread and butter, plus raisins, sugar and a custard of eggs and milk – with a good grating of nutmeg.

    Bread pudding – made from leftover bread dough with added dried fruit and spices – I’ve never made it myself, it’s more a thing that independent bakeries do with any unused dough.

  4. If you can plaster a wall with it, it’s Bread AND Butter pudding.

    If you can cave someone’s head in with it, It’s Bread pudding.

    Source: My dad was a *really* bad cook, but gave some golden moments in his attempts.

  5. Yes, its meant to look like that…that particular one is a bit pale, Im guessing they didnt add much/any cinnamon and spice to it, and a bit stingy on the raisins lol

  6. Oh god… That’s unlocked about a thousand childhood memories.

    I’m craving this stuff now (thanks for that…) and need to get a good recipe to make some myself.

  7. Looks good to me. When I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, aged 24, I loved cycling. I made my own sugar free recipe of bread pudding, using wholemeal bread and raisins to sweeten, as my carb release for cycling. I can’t begin to imagine how many miles I must’ve cycled on a belly full of bread pudding.

  8. My mum used to make a brilliant bread pudding for the church harvest festival every year. Proper nostalgic dish for me.

  9. Bread pudding and bread and butter pudding are different things.

    Bread & butter pudding is a quite soft and fluffy thing made with bread, milk, eggs, best straight out of the oven where it’s light. Easy to make with common ingredients.

    Bread pudding is more of a dense bread and molasses kind of thing like the one you have there. I liked it cold because it was very filling for the price from the bakery.

  10. It’s a regional thing, I believe. I grew up in the Home Counties, and bread pudding was in all the bakers. When i moved to Carlisle, no one had heard of it. They thought I was talking about bread and butter pudding. Both are delicious, but very different.

  11. Fresh from the oven bread pudding is amazing, day old it’s good, after that, make a new one (in fairness in this house there isn’t any left after day 1)

  12. I love bread pudding, but my absolute favourite version was from a baker on Mile End Road in West Kensington, London— they put a layer of short crust pastry top and bottom and it was delicious.

  13. My dad is from the north and the people at his church don’t know what bread pudding is. Whenever he offered it to people they’d be like “nor we dornt like bread and butter pudding” so now when he makes it they’ve rebranded it as Quinlov’s dad’s cairk and they all love it x

  14. Not enough tea in it. Should be darker. Should also have the density of lead.

  15. I bloody love bread pudding! My nan used to make it. It still pops up occasionally in local bakers here. Now I want some. Damn.

  16. This is the original meaning of the word ‘pudding’ meaning ‘soggy but weirdly compelling lump of pure carbohydrate made from stuff that other people are rich enough to throw away’.

  17. Luv me bred pud

    Luv me bred and butter pud

    Ate carbs. Not raysis, just don’t like em

    Nuff said

  18. Navvies wedding cake..aka bread pudding. Needs more sultanas and raisins, cinnamon and sugar to top 😋

  19. Weirdly Greggs used to do really lovely big chunks of bread pudding, and occasionally Tesco did round foil trays of lovely dark bread pudding. Sadly both seem long gone. 

    A local cafe says their bread pudding is award winning, which I scoff at every time I see it as it’s so pale and dry (you can actually see little white bread lumps in it still) – it’s vile.

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