Lord Alli lent £62,000 to bail out peer in expenses scandal

Lord Alli lent £62,000 to bail out peer in expenses scandal


by Mickey_Padgett

  1. >Sir Keir Starmer would later announce that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), which he ran at the time, would not pursue fraud charges against her.

    Huh. Isn’t that interesting.

  2. This starts to fee like “Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss”.

    As Angela Raynor said “MPs have accepted gifts and donations for years. All MPs do it”

    I recall there was some confusion about where she lived as well unfortunately that all seems to have been cleared up.


  4. Starmer is the same person who wants to check benefit claimant’s bank accounts to help crack down on alleged benefit fraud, but when he ran the CPS he didn’t prosecute someone who likely committed fraud because they were a peer/his mate donated to her. 

    Rules for thee, not for me. Tory in Red, like plenty of us said before the election. I take no joy in being proven right either. 

  5. Labour have a history of presiding and hiding expenses scandals. Oh how short the electorates memory is.

  6. From all I’ve heard in the past week, Lord Alli seems like one of the nicest blokes in Britain.

    Absolutely generous to a fault, and doesn’t ask for anything in return. He just gives, and gives, and gives, out of the kindness of his heart. What a special soul he is.

    I always thought my mate Kevin was a top bloke cos he always gets the first round in. But Kevin is a cheap piece of shit compared to Lord Alli! Just think, if Kevin was as much of a class act as Lord Alli, I’d probably already have my conservatory done. Maybe even a loft conversion!

    Lord Alli is just the most kindhearted, generous soul in politics. I think we all have a lot to learn from this wonderful human being.

  7. There are no decent polititi9ns in the world. All of them are currupt until proven otherwise. They don’t work for people, they work for their own wallets and friends.

    Basically, same shit different toilet.

  8. Anybody got Lord Alli’s telephone number ? !

    I’m willing to Labour for a Big Wad !

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