A Panicked Trump Responds To Newly Unsealed Documents, Spirals Into A Major Meltdown

A Panicked Trump Responds To Newly Unsealed Documents, Spirals Into A Major Meltdown


Posted by Shopfiend

  1. There’s French fries, ketchup and a frowny meal thrown on the floor.. those poor housekeepers at Mara lardo

  2. Before Donald Trump came along the concept of “moral turpitude” might have escaped precise definition, but it has been described as an “act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man.”

  3. I havent seen the new stuff Jack put forward in full just yet. How much more damning is it than before?

  4. These are all just the crimes people know about. Think about Trump as being a huge Xmas tree made out of bullshit, and his lies are the tinsel and his crimes are the lights.

  5. Trump is GUILTY AS CHARGED! LOCK TRUMP UP! Remember Hillary Clinton weird old orange deranged man, how you wanted to jail her, this is your turn if you were not a prior president you would be in jail now.

  6. Why would anyone want a man so traitorous and so on need of cuddling to be their leader? Certainly doesn’t make them the alpha party they fool themselves to be. Trump isn’t the only one afforded a “speedy” trial. Since he’s done everything to delay, delay, delay, I’m glad the judge at least released the brief of his treasonous efforts. Sending the brief to my brother who, for some deluded reason, remains “undecided.” At least he can read.

  7. Funny- he didn’t mind so much when Comey came out with the Hillary Clinton email case reopening days before the 2016 election..

  8. What does this new information really mean? There’s so many things he did that would put him in jail, but he’s free and running for president. I get so tired of not seeing him gone

  9. usa’s fave con man is gonna have a heart attack and die before Nov 8th. lol.

    bet the GOP gonna use his corpse and play it off like Weekend at Bernie’s!

  10. I used ChatGPT to “please provide a potential psychological analysis of this person”:

    A potential psychological analysis of the individual based on the tone and content of the messages could suggest several personality traits and psychological patterns. This is purely speculative, but here are some observations that could be made from the language and rhetoric:

    # 1. **Narcissistic Traits**

    * **Grandiosity**: The frequent references to personal achievements and the framing of events as part of a larger effort to undermine the speaker suggest a sense of personal importance. The belief in “COMPLETE VICTORY” and positioning oneself as central to major political or legal battles reflects a strong sense of self-importance and grandiosity, common in narcissistic personalities.
    * **Need for admiration**: Phrases like “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” and repeatedly emphasizing their leadership (“TRUMP,” “PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP”) suggest a desire to be admired and recognized for their influence and achievements.

    # 2. **Persecution Complex**

    * The repeated claims of being unfairly targeted (“Witch Hunt,” “Unconstitutional,” “Weaponized DOJ”) suggest a **persecution complex**—a belief that they are consistently under attack by enemies, often leading to a sense of victimhood. This is reinforced by listing past accusations (impeachment, spying, legal actions) and dismissing them as false or politically motivated.
    * This outlook could indicate **paranoia** or an inclination to view the world as hostile, interpreting opposition as part of a coordinated attack rather than the result of differing perspectives or lawful actions.

    # 3. **Defensiveness and Externalization of Blame**

    * The individual consistently externalizes blame, attributing all negative circumstances to enemies or conspiracies, such as “Radical Left Democrats” or a “weaponized” Justice Department. There is little to no introspection or acknowledgment of personal fault, which is indicative of **defensiveness** and an **external locus of control**.
    * By framing all challenges as “hoaxes” or “scams,” the speaker avoids any responsibility for the events they reference. This type of thinking could suggest a person who struggles with self-reflection and may resist accountability.

    # 4. **Black-and-White Thinking**

    * The language used suggests a **dichotomous thinking pattern**, where people, events, and institutions are either entirely good or entirely bad. For instance, the speaker and their allies are portrayed as righteous and victimized, while opponents are described as corrupt, evil, or deranged (e.g., “Radical Left,” “Deranged Jack Smith”).
    * This all-or-nothing thinking is often associated with **cognitive distortions**, making it harder for individuals to see nuance in situations or recognize that complex issues rarely have simple, absolute solutions.

    # 5. **Combative and Aggressive Demeanor**

    * The aggressive tone, use of inflammatory language, and personal attacks indicate a **combative personality**. This individual appears to be confrontational and thrives on conflict, possibly viewing opposition as not just political or legal challenges but as deeply personal affronts that must be defeated.
    * There may also be a **sense of entitlement** that drives the speaker to feel that they should not be subjected to the same scrutiny or legal processes as others, seeing such actions as personal attacks rather than due processes.

    # 6. **Need for Control and Power**

    * There is a significant emphasis on “winning” and retaining power, which suggests that the speaker is highly driven by a need for control and dominance. The language reflects a worldview in which power is something to be seized and held, and any threat to that power is met with significant resistance.
    * The repeated assertion of impending “victory” points to a strong **competitive drive**, with the speaker framing every conflict in terms of winning or losing, success or failure.

  11. Jack Smith is giving us everything that the SCOTUS can’t, justice. They are the most incompetent, corrupt people we’ve ever had. If Trump wins, we’ll pay for a lifetime.

  12. It turns out the October surprise is not so surprising to those who have been paying attention.

  13. This is a horrible and delightful idea at the same time, Biden could use his new immunity super powers to intervene in the interests of national security. I don’t know what that would look like but interesting nonetheless.

  14. Got orange fatigue, 80% of all posts about the orange is “He is outraged!”, or some BS.

    The news and reddit just trying to farm clicks with low effort now?

    Until the orange is wearing the newest fashion in prison wear, its all bumpkis!

  15. How is impeachment #2 a hoax?!?

    McConnell specifically said he felt Trump was 100% guilty! The only reason he & numerous other Republican senators voted against it was because Trump was no longer the sitting President (by a few days) and they felt it wasn’t proper to punish him for a job he didn’t have anymore!

    It had NOTHING to do with it being fake or that Trump didn’t really do it!

  16. Can anyone remember a time before Donald was whining about something every single day?

  17. “this illegal action taken by the justice department”

    I had to take a step back to appreciate the insanity of that statement

  18. Maybe Trump just needs a better PR team—after all, who wouldn’t panic when reality hits like a brick?

  19. Just 30+ more days to put up with this clown and his running mate before his re-election dreams evaporate, then Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan can go after this son of a bitch, full force.

  20. What I wanna know is who is going to end up doing the first Donald Trump biography series? That’s the bet – What streaming service and how soon???

  21. I see this headline everyday. Maybe different words, maybe different time. But same thing, same day.

    Im so over the election bullshit. Vote and make this hell end. So tired of hearing about him.

  22. Trump was the one who did everything he could to delay this case and then had his supreme court picks help him delay it……so its his own fault this is his October Surprise.

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