Up until now I've been scrubbing my oven (not a euphemism) and trays using generic oven cleaner. I saw Oven Pride in the shelf last week so thought I'd give it a go. Suffice to say it's a game changer! My only regret is wishing I'd tried it earlier

by Exchangenudes_4_Joke

  1. Just cleaned my oven with this, still as good as it’s always been, can’t think of anything I’ve discovered later in life though.

  2. HG grout cleaner. Their entire line is a cavalcade of miracles, but this one in particular is a massive help as I wash my hair with purple shampoo quite often and my shower tiles always get covered in the stuff.

  3. Elbow Grease (the product, not the action!) amazing for stains on clothes and amazing for soaking pots & pans before washing up! Its about £1 to and solvent free!

  4. Melamine pads. What ‘Magic Eraser’ has become the common brand for.

    Can get these for like 1/8th price on Amazon for larger pads. Amazing for getting rid of most marks, cleaning that fine grease off hobs, etc!

  5. Sard Wonder Soap – not sure if available here (got mine in Australia years ago). Got dried blood out of my girlfriend’s white tshirt after she ripped her finger open with a fold up bed.

  6. Oven Pride is godly! I use it for my bbq grills too.

    My late discovery would be dettol antibac aerosol. Really gets the fart smells out of pillows

  7. Pink stuff. When I moved into my current property, the previous tenants had left it in such a state, the worst part was all the stains on the benches. Tried so many different products to remove them, ended up with a tub of pink stuff from somewhere, figured it couldn’t hurt…No more stains.

  8. I’m always really wary of using my oven after this – don’t want to poison my kids or something

  9. A heated under blanket for the bed. As an 80s child, I associated heated blankets with house fires and dead grandparents but they’ve come a long way since then. Paired with a smart plug, you can time it to switch on a bit before you go to bed and it feels like you sent the scullery maid up with the bed warmer before you retired for the evening. Lovely when it’s nippy outside.

  10. Slightly off topic but word of caution with oven pride, It’s pretty strong stuff. A vet told me he has had to treat cats who have rubbed themselves against oven grills which have been soaked in it leaving caustic burn stripes down the side of their bodies.

    Always make sure it is left somewhere safe to soak and has been thoroughly rinsed before leaving to dry!

  11. If there’s one household job I think everybody hates, its cleaning the oven. Many people actually enjoy doing things like ironing, vacuuming, etc. But no one likes cleaning the oven.

    Its a job that most people don’t do often enough. If it gets done at all. And even the best cleaning products usually require quite a lot of scrubbing do get a really filthy oven close to clean again.

    I did at one time have a ‘self-cleaning’ oven. That thing was scary. Once you started, you couldn’t stop it. The oven door locked and wouldn’t come undone till the process was over about eight hours later. The oven itself got crazy hot, like 460°C. And it left little piles of light gray ash in the bottom. And the whole house smelled like hot burned smoke. I don’t miss it.

  12. Hibiscrub…when I was younger I just assumed it was for hospitals. But it’s amazing for smelly feet, menopausal BO, dog skin complaints… marvellous pink stuff

  13. Astonish mug cleaner. Will clean any ceramic brilliantly. I reasoned my toilet was ceramic. Never been cleaner

  14. A heated throw blanket for the sofa. I hardly need the heating on at all!

    Re. The oven pride- as a chemist, please wear THICK gloves when using it, keep your arms covered, wear eye protection and keep the windows open! Dont let it splash around, and make sure it’s rinsed off everything very thoroughly after using it. Also, check for disposal instructions to make sure it won’t melt the pipes. Maybe dilute it with buckets and buckets of water before putting it down the drain? Basically, it’s a very strong and dangerous chemical and we’d be taking full on precautions if we were using it in the lab. Check the safety information. 👩‍🔬 I tried it myself, it’s pretty good, but all the precautions you have to take made me wonder if it was worth it.

  15. 99.9% Isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle

    I use it for everything, removing stickers, degunking surfaces, killing mould, freshening fabric, cleaning wounds, cleaning up thermal paste

  16. Kilroc gel. It’s for limescale but because it’s a gel you can put on the tap and leave it to work and stop the taps getting blocked

  17. Oust Descaler liquid. – over the summer i needed to descale my kettle. The fortnightly vinegar treatment wasn’t working.

    Found a cheap x3 pack for 1.50 and my god it works! it was simple, easy and effective. My kettle required all x3 packs (1 for the first time and then i doubled it for the proper clean) but it got the job done. I was watching the stuff just fizzle away and although it says just use it for a few minutes, i just constantly reheated the water mixture so it bubbled again and the cleaning process carried on.

    From that point on, i just looked after the kettle making sure to empty any excess liquid etc. unfortunately since my family returned from the holidays, its building up again once more.

  18. It you think it’s a game changer for the oven – it’s a miracle worker on a greasy bbq – the grills fit in the giant bag and the hose does the rest when they have been left to stew

  19. Zoflora in a bottle with water. Best smelling disinfectant I’ve used and lasts a long time. Couple drops in the mop bucket too.

  20. Flash Spray Wipe Done – means I can do my whole bathroom with one bottle of stuff as it clears the hard water marks off my shower screen as well as make my toilet sparkle.

  21. You can buy sliced bread almost called this. I confused the two whilst at college and nearly died owing to undiagnosed gluten intolerance.

  22. Vitamin D tablets – seem to really help with mood as the seasons change. Used to really dislike autumn. Also don’t get ill as often.

    Pressure washers – these are so satisfying to use. Great on cars and pathways.

    Waterproof trainers – didn’t even know such a thing existed. But your feet stay dry and therefore warm!

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