Strange blue plaque

Apart from being some distance from the house in question, this blue plaque on a stick is overbearing and clutters up the pavement. Has anyone seen a similar one? I can only assume the owner of the house wasn't interested in having it on the building. The fact that it's blank on the back and looks like a broken lamp post from most angles doesn't help.

by rising_then_falling

  1. First I’ve seen, would have the same view that likely the current home owner doesn’t want a plaque on their property. I’m interested by the way it leans over. Appears to be higher and by leaning it that’s easier to read. It’s not a bad idea.

  2. None of the news reports mention that it’s not on the actual building weirdly. I’ve never seen one like that. It does look quite open to vandalism there.

  3. I learned everything I know about Marcus Garvey from the Skatalites in the 60s. I can’t see how this plaque is overbearing or cluttering though, and I’m a wheelchair user who is very conscious of badly placed street furniture. Maybe the camera angle isn’t showing the problem?

  4. I don’t know what this cost to put up but for a little extra they could have an out of the way QR code that links to the relevant page on their site for people to explore.

  5. This is my chance to tell one of my most amazing memories outside of giving birth. In 2003 I was working in Camden and it was the time of the “Camden Ripper” who was leaving body parts of his victims in bins and in the canal. One morning I was going to work and my route was to cut down Lyme Street which runs next to the canal. As I approached the road was taped off and there were loads of police, so I assumed they’d found another body. I said to the policeman, “oh Christ, what now? Another one?” And he smiled broadly & said “I think you might be pleasantly surprised, hang about a bit” which confused me no end. 5 mins later the road fills up with little kids & dignitaries, and then a fleet of limos pulls up. The doors open, and out steps none other than Nelson Mandela. I nearly fell over. We all gathered a bit closer and then I clocked there was a little set of curtains over one of the buildings front and yeah, he was uncovering a plaque to Ruth First & Joe Slovo, ANC activists. He made a lovely speech, the kids had learnt some South African songs, and then he came and shook hands with us all. It made such a nice surprise compared with some severed hands.

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