BBC archive report- I need closure!

Has anyone here got any insight into what happened with this story? The reclusive neighbour. The boards from 1915. I can’t find anything online but it’s too weird to let go. Did Mr Jenkins ever get to look out his window?

by Zacbanic

  1. Lies from the reporter within 23 seconds. Can’t trust the rest of the broadcast.

    *”He can’t look out of his window”,* cue camera footage of Mr Jenkins clearly looking out of his window. Granted all he can see when he looks out his window are the boards. But he *can* look out his window.

  2. Blasted house is on a private road (Kimberley road) in Bacton so no street view.

    But the boards do appear to be gone.

    That ancient lights law is odd, I seem to recall somewhere a train yard using similar boards to block someone’s/a streets light

  3. Why do I get the impression that this was some 50+ year old dispute with a previous neighbour and the board owners grandfather or something over next to nothing, and it was done out of spite?

    Ancient light seems to be a law protecting the access to natural light from your window, this seems to be the opposite of that?

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