Ukrainian drones targeted the Borisoglebsk military air base in Russia’s Voronezh region last night, according to Russian Telegram channels. It is reported that the drones attacked warehouses that store KABs, parking lots of SU-35 and SU-34 aircraft, as well as places where aviation fuel is stored.

Ukrainian drones targeted the Borisoglebsk military air base in Russia’s Voronezh region last night, according to Russian Telegram channels. It is reported that the drones attacked warehouses that store KABs, parking lots of SU-35 and SU-34 aircraft, as well as places where aviation fuel is stored.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Russians will be combing for evidence of ATACMs or Storm Shadows (way cooler name btw). Any old excuse “wah wah they fight back. No fair”

  2. Combat ready aircraft are not stored in hangars or warehouses but special bunkers that face away from the open runway so the aircraft are protected.

    Russia has so much troubles.

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