Dude gets up and starts yelling at a panel event with Paul Krugman

Dude gets up and starts yelling at a panel event with Paul Krugman


by Listen2Wolff

  1. “We can work with China, we can work with Russia.” Ah yes, the very bastions of Capitalism and Democracy we all cherish, we can certainly work with them.

  2. Wow. Totally not weird.

    You know how badly this guy is brainwashed when he said that Ukraine was killing innocent women and children.

  3. What does this have to do with the economy?

    Edit: Banned for 3 days for this comment lmao.

  4. As soon as ol’ boy said “LiBeRaLs” I knew this guy was spouting nonsense.

  5. they were OK with evertything apart from Israel, you heard the gasp in the room. Israel cannot be mentioned negatively ever. Otherwise their AIPAC nanny will be on their case and asking them for explanation on why they listened to Israel criticism.

    let see how many AIPAC nannys downvote this.

  6. OK, I agree with a small percentage of what this guy said. Who gives a fuck about the S&P if you can’t afford basic necessities.

    Of course he went off the rail, and I don’t agree with his stance on not supporting Israel or Ukraine, but regardless, sometimes people just need to be heard.

    I do fully support this guy yelling at smug, wealthy individuals who pretend like everything is great. Both sides of the aisle have not addressed the massive inequality that is plaguing our country.

    I like how he brings up free healthcare in Israel. Fucking A! Israel has universal healthcare while Republicans try to take away the healthcare we have through the ACA. I like how JD Vance, on the debate stage, tried to say Trump did great things on healthcare. Walz responded that is not true. We all know that.

    I guess I would say to the guy’s comment that this is why the election is close, it is Republicans’ failed multiple decades long “trickle down policy” that has increased income inequality in America significantly.

    It is Republicans who tried to overturn the ACA multiple times, wanting to take away healthcare and protections for pre-existing conditions.

    And it is Republicans who want to give more tax cuts to the wealthy continuing to shift wealth to the top. So while I do love hearing a good rant, let’s keep things in perspective.

  7. Yesterday Kamala at a press conference in Georgia announced that those affected by hurricane Helene were now eligible to apply for a mere $750.00 in aid from the Feds. Let’s let that sink in a bit.


  9. I am against yelling at people, but then again this guy was saying a lot of things people in power need to answer for, so I am kind of split here.

  10. I remember attending lectures by him back in the day. I was such a fanboi I would sit in the front and ask a million questions. How the world has changed for the worse with his advice.

  11. People love bitching about giving Ukraine money but they have never heard of the Budapest memorandum. Ukraine gave up the 3rd largest stockpile of nukes in the 90s and we agreed to help Ukraine if Russia ever fucked with them after this. The United States sending Ukraine money is the United States upholding a political commitment made in 1994.

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