This is what russian peace in Vovchansk looks like

This is what russian peace in Vovchansk looks like

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. The reality of “Russkiy Mir,” also seen to a lesser scale in the outer provinces of RUZ.

  2. The green will come back once the orcs are gone. Laughter and happiness will return. Keep fighting Ukraine ❤️

  3. This is not peace, this is death and destruction. This looks a lot like Hitlers “scorched earth” policy. This is not anything that can be done by a civilized nation this is something that only barbaric terrorists would do. Nobody in Vovchansk is alive, they can’t be it’s jous about impossible to survive that. I only hope that everyone made it out before this city was reduced to nothing. This is just more gasoline that is being poured onto the fire of freedom that burns inside every Ukrainian and every Ukrainian supporter, the fire that will burn down Russia. This is another war crime by Russia, one of unfortunately many and I say this: they must be stoped, Ukraine must win, then and only then will there truly be peace. I’d like to add a quote from a show that I watch the show is called MASH, some of you may be familiar with it, the final eppisode titled “goodbye farewell and amen” that quote Is “does this look like peace to you?” Said by Major Margret Houlihan.

    Does this look like peace or does it look like war crimes and Nazi Germany’s scorched earth policy. What does it look like Hitler…I mean Putin.

  4. And in the pro-ru forum people don’t even see the problem, and expect the world outside ruzzia to bow for them in fear and respect. “Why, oh why, do the Ukraine forces resist when it costs them so much, we love our Ukraine brothers and really don’t want to hurt anybody, YOU MADE US DO THIS”


  5. Don’t call out Russia for their war crimes or you might get banned (myself) because I myself can’t watch this shit for damn near three years and not be pissed. Free USMC Marine from the United States fuck up Russia.

  6. As scorch-earth as scorch-earth can be. Putin has great power over its zombie citizens but is despised by the rest of the world, and for decades to come. It sucked to be born in Russia next life.

  7. I understand why UA gave up in this place so quickly. There is nothing left to defend…

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