Get ready for an October surprise.

Get ready for an October surprise.

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. Clear as day. Too bad not a single maga gremlin has the capacity to see it that way.

  2. If the union was actually interested in doing what’s best for their members, they would be asking for a government sponsored program aimed at helping workers displaced by automation. The automation is coming no matter what. The only question is how do we, as a nation, take care of workers impacted by events entirely beyond their control. Older workers could benefit from early retirement. Younger workers could be retrained for other jobs.

  3. So you’re suggesting that when they negotiated the last contract, they specifically set it to expire the month before the 2024 presidential election with the intention of messing with the election? Not everything is some kind of conspiracy to hurt democrats. The contract expired and in the absence of a new one and managment refusing to meet their demands the members consented to a strike, that’s all there is to it.

  4. I’m guessing they were hoping Biden would step in and sign a bill to prevent the strike like he did with the rail workers so they could then paste him and Harris as fascist’s.

    They probably weren’t counting on them supporting the dock workers.

  5. I find it funny that Harris supports the ILA but the union boss is accused of supporting Trump. Which is it, buddy? You can’t have both here.

  6. I’m more of a conspiracy theorist every day, everything has to do with the election. Netenyahu expanding his war…to hurt the democrats in the election. Companies charging outrageous prices…well, greed. But also to hurt the economy and help Trump get elected. Wherever interests converge there is reason to at least consider conspiracy.

  7. Fortunately neither of them have any idea about economics. 19 days is not nearly enough time for this strike to bite.

  8. And, the ILA leader has threatened Biden directly regarding Taft Hartley. It’s quite transparent.

  9. I find the idea of a labour leader in cahoots with a fascist wanna-be dictator to get said wanna-be dictator elected to be highly suspect, especially in this age of disinformation. Anyone have any proof of this cahootening other than a single still photo?

  10. Reagan had the Iranian hostages. Trump will have the dockworker union.

    Get ready for totalitarianism.

  11. I mean, the CBA expired on the 30th. So it’s not like they just picked a random date.

    Further, while they could keep working under the terms of the old contract, they know the Biden is unlikely to step in because it will make Harris look bad so they can do this without political pressure.

    The holiday season is also coming up so there will be increased pressure from retailers on the companies to get a deal done.

    Cool meme tho I guess.

  12. The strike happens. The head stated for the government to “stay the F out of it”. He then stated the damage they could do to the country. He then stated that they could enact Taft-Hartley, forcing them to go back to work for 90 days. He then stated they’ll drag their feet and do 1/3 of the work. So people should just “sit down at the table and talk.”

    I know this is political, but it’s not exactly a pro-gamer move. People knew this was coming. Most companies prepared for supply chain disruption after Covid. The west coast dockworkers union is a different group, so this is just an East Coast disruption. The workers get something like 45/hr with benefits. They want 5 bucks/hr every year for 6 years, so they want 75/hr with benefits, which is an incredibly high wage. They were offered 60/hr and it was rejected (I believe it was around this).

    Now, I’m not saying they don’t deserve it. I think hourly workers are getting the shaft compared to executive compensation and that income inequality is a huge problem. However, I don’t think that the argument that 45/hr isn’t enough to live on, when many people supporting this will argue that OTHER blue collar workers shouldn’t get 15/hr for and equally difficult job. Additionally, a multi-millionaire head of your union, living in a mansion with a Bentley, suggesting he’s just “one of you” isn’t a great look, and that getting a job as a longshoreman requires you to know a guy who knows a guy, and you have to buy into it (bribe) to get the chance to earn this wage.

    Companies are making record profits, both gross and net. Executives are absurdly compensated. Workers get the shaft. There needs to be a change, but holding a country hostage while not supporting raising the minimum wage, is a bit of a dick move.

  13. except the reason they are striking is because the companies broke the contracts they agreed to regarding automation. I am no trump supporter but they do have a legitimate reeason to strike.

  14. I know it’s more fun to believe a conspiracy theory than the truth, but here is the ILA contract made back in 2018:


    It is a 6 year contract and was created to expire on September 30th, 2024. That is why we have this timing 35 days before the election. Period.

    Now the union president may be a MAGA person who loves Trump. But he didn’t choose this timing. And, if he were to negotiate in bad faith to drag this out and politicize it against Biden, I think we would be hearing from the Longshoremen saying their president is not representing their wants.

    Having said all that, Ocean carriers are making record profits and ILA union workers deserve a bigger piece of those profits. I support them.

  15. I mean part of this is that it’s just when their contract was up. The other part is labor is having a bit of a moment in terms of public support. There’s a conspiratorial way to read this and then there’s a much less conspiratorial way of how poorly we treat organized labor and labor generally in the US. longshoremen are critical to the economy and they want a good contract. Striking is a tool to do that.

  16. Yes, this is suspect and the Union Prez knows what he’s doing, but who is on the other side of the negotiations?

    I support labor and the rights to bargain, how bad of an offer was it?

    Who does the Longshoreman Union contract with? Each port and corporate owners? I honestly don’t know.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if both sides were pushing this trouble.

  17. I’m very pro union, but their leadership has really been pissing me off lately. Trump held a rally at a non union plant, what are they thinking?

  18. Sure bud, it has nothing to do with the fact that their contract expired on October 1st. People love some confirmation bias though, it’s so much easier to accept than actual facts.

    One thing the internet does well, allows idiots to self-report.

  19. How about we just support unions and their fight for a better contract instead of conjuring up a conspiracy theory.

  20. All to create chaos right before the election, of course it’ll be blamed on the present administration. MAGA is behind it, I guarantee it.

  21. They also decided to go through with this even after the most destructive hurricane of the decade hit…

  22. I think it is easy to say this but remember that they will try and undermine strikers in any way possible. The powers that be would like to break solidarity and make the workers look like the bad guys using any means necessary. This specifically means reading the mood of the country and putting out propaganda that will match. Right-wingers already hate unions so the propaganda is going to be targeted on left-wingers.

    So yeah, maybe he is a trump supporter, perhaps he is burning his own political capital for trump (which would not be new for someone). If that is true he will pay the price. This battle will be fought in the theater of public opinion. It does have a huge effect on the economy. If the union is playing political games for trump then they are 100% going to get a black eye from this. But I will support their strike until that is fully proven.

  23. Just like Trump shut down the border legislation that was co-written by Republicans. They got everything they asked for included in the bill.

    Trump killed the bill because he wanted to scare people by saying the Dems don’t care and immigrants are coming to kill them and rape their women and children. His only concern is to rule through fear and control.

    Screw the people that it would have helped.

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