Luigi, any truth to that ?

Luigi, any truth to that ?

by Pierre_Francois_

  1. > do not like sea very much

    Just ask Ligurians and Sardinians if the Lombards don’t like sea and see what they tell you.

    Other than that this descriptions are really imprecise: from coupling Venetians and Romans (from Rome), the preserving of Roman heritage by Lombards but not by others, and with the cherry on top in writing “normands” instead of normans.

    Are you sure you are not American?

  2. This may be 2racist even for 2westwrneurope4u.
    Also I am definitely nr. 3 “Darwin’s Nightmare”

  3. For everybody downvoting me in my piss match with baguette here. I advise you to open a history book once in a while. Shitting on eachother is what this sub is about but lets keep history real.

    Yes. But not when they where activly conquering mate. They took the peninsula in 4 years.

    568–c. 572, Invasion of Italy by a confederation of Lombards, a Germanic people that had been previously allied with the Byzantine Empire from Pannonia and Bavarians, Gepids, Suebi, Heruls, Thuringians, Saxons, Ostrogoths and Rugii.

    And that was not even the first time.

    In 406–407 Germanic and other tribes (Vandals, Alani, Suebi, and Burgundians) from Silesia and even farther east crossed the Rhine in their flight from the Huns and penetrated as far as Spain. Alaric, king of the Visigoths, sacked Rome in 410, signaling the beginning of the end of the Western Empire.


    The vastness and mobility of the Germanic tribes – The Germanic tribes were spread across a wide expanse of territory and could quickly mobilize large numbers of warriors, making them difficult for the more centralized Roman legions to pin down and decisively defeat.

    You act like its where a couple of Germanic peoples that came to fight along the local populous which is complete and utter bullshit.

    The Germanic tribes had an axe to grind and they went for it. And your pseudo french revisionist history based on a contextless mapp can fuck right off.

  4. I have a crush on a bergamasco which would make him a Lombard, nice that we have the mighty Celtic genes in common 💪🏻

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