Did I just meet a particularly confident/docile fox or a poorly one?

I didn't touch him but felt like he definitely would've accepted a stroke.

I saw him earlier in the daytime, he look in decent nick but his tail looked a bit 'puffed up'. I'm sure you're not supposed to but I did give him a tray of dog food.

by MDeltaC

  1. Foxes cannot be truly domesticated, so it’s either mentally defective or absolutely desperate. Cant be sure.

  2. Do NOT attempt to stroke/pet any wild animal. You will regret your decision. Wild animals don’t have the same values and feelings as domesticated animals and will resort to violence if they feel threatened in any way.

    If you really need to feel like a hero, call the rspca or a ranger to have them sort it.

  3. I also had an encounter with a fox a couple of nights ago. Definitely could’ve given it a pat on the head but didn’t and left them to pick up the scraps from around the bins as it was late at night. I think they’re just so used to people now as most of their homes are now in built up areas.

  4. Some old bint on our street did the same thing, fox bit her finger, ended up in intensive care with some blood infection, nearly died.

  5. I ain’t no foxologist, but to me this looks like he’s letting his nose lead him, and is trying to pick up the scent of food he expects you to give him.

    Foxes can become super bold around people if one or more persons start leaving out food for them. I’ve never had one approach me but I’ve definitely seen some completely lose fear of humans.

  6. As mean as it sounds, try not to encourage them with food. It can be problematic for the foxes.

    Try to not physically engage with wild animals too. As cute as a fox is, they can respond badly.

  7. Don’t worry folks, I’m not going to try and touch the fox. And consensus seems to be it’s probably fine, so won’t feed it again. Will keep my eyes out for him though. Charming little fellow.

  8. He’s just a curious, peckish lil boi who probably gets fed by an old lady or somesuch somewhere nearby.

  9. Coat’s better than most I’ve seen in the countryside, so I’m going to go with young and habituated to people.

    I wonder if foxes will self domesticate at some point in the distant future, like cats once did…

  10. I’d die to a fox or a bear. Animals are so fucking cute I just want to give them a big hug.

  11. When we lived in London, the Swedish lady who lived in the ground floor flat would feed a fox inside her flat every evening.

    A friend who had a first floor flat above the bookies on the main road, left her back door open to let in fresh air. There was a fire escape. The fox came up the fire escape and was in the kitchen eating the dog food.

    We now live on the edge of the conurbation, with open countryside nearly all around us. Foxes visit our garden, and my MIL garden during the late afternoon and evening. She even had cubs as well this year.

  12. Urban foxes can be quite brave when it comes to people. Some of them will have regular people who leave food out for it. When I worked night shift as security we kept cold meat in the fridge and there was a local fox that would come around almost the same time every night and we’d throw him a few slices.

  13. There’s one near where I live that was born during lockdown. It has a very different attitude to people and is quite chill.

  14. I dunno why but foxes give me the heebie-jeebies.

    Weird cat dogs hybrids with infectious diseases. No thanks 🙂‍↔️

    Edit: a word

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