Thank you for letting us into NATO. You are now in war with Iran.

by boomerintown

  1. That Iran has a hate boner for Sweden must mean we’re doing something right. Why is the rest of Europe so content to bend the knee to Muslim theocracies??

  2. Ah, just like any western EU city these days. Well done, Europe, well done. At least Sweden serves as a leading example of your newly emerging culture. A beacon of liberty and peace and harmony.

  3. I’d like to see us go against them. Nothing they did so far has convinced me that NATO wouldn’t absolutely stomp the shit out of them.

  4. Posts like this, as ironically it might be intentioned, may very well even here contribute to the ideas behind disruptive actions like these terror attacks may hold: Cause division and chaos, make sure Europe doesn’t unify, doesn’t think clearily. Create proxys, distract from the big picture, make them being busy with themselves with minimal resources. Tiny action, potentially huge effect.

  5. Hopefully this is a wake up call for Europeans on the type of people we’ve been letting in without proper procedures. Feel sorry for Iranian people that have been the main ones suffering from the Islamic dictatorship in the last decades in their own home but this should be a clear sign of the dangers of Islam

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