What am I eating

What am I eating

by ludacrust2556

  1. Hähnchen in Aspik (chicken in jelly) probably, one of the more questionable products when it comes to Wurst.

  2. The clear jelly-like substance is aspic, which is mostly gelatin from meat stock. It’s been documented from around the 13th century — back in those days, people didn’t waste a single thing, and every part of an animal carcass was put to some use — but became particularly fashionable in the US and Europe in the 50s to 70s.

    It’s actually very nutritious and a good source of certain vitamins. But after it became a fad about 60 years ago and cooks everywhere were [putting entire meals in aspic](https://vintagerecipecards.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/chicken-aspic-vegetable.jpg?w=640), it predictably fell out of fashion. Some boomers might see it as a comfort food from their childhood, for others it brings back childhood memories of terrible food; to younger generations it just seems bizarre and frankly slightly disgusting.

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