Friday Fread (4 Oct 24)

He’ll never need a Zimmer, and neither will you (at least for today), because it’s Friday!

Come on in, have a chat, compare swimming certificates if you must, and let us know – what’s going on for your Friday?

by dexbydesign89

  1. It’s my absolute favourite weather this morning and it’s really put me in a good mood

    Cold, bright, and crisp with fog rolling off the fields. Good weather for cycling, and I actually remembered my gloves this morning

  2. My husband has gone to Corfu with his mates until Monday so I’m alone with our daughter and puppy. They both slept in our bed last night and I barely slept. Daughter has a random inset day so I’m taking to the SS Great Britain.

  3. Today I shall be reading up on the latest spiciness engulfing WordPress as we may have to recommend that we move several high profile clients off that particular platform and hosting company until things calm down.

  4. Fuck knows what I’m doing with life, never mind today. Been awake since 4am. Need to tidy at least three rooms up before the boiler is replaced over the weekend.

  5. Meecrowavé at work has totally broken so can’t make my porridge, great start to the day

  6. Bitten the bullet this morning and phoned the doctors. My hand has been feeling strangely numb yet sensitive when in use for a week now, and extremely sensitive to temperature.

    I’m not one to go and add burden to our NHS but I don’t think it’s going to resolve itself at this point.

    Almost got another injury falling of my chair when I was 2nd in the phone queue!

  7. Got a productive day of self care and organisation planned on my day off, now just need to get going on it but the bed is just too damn comfy

  8. Did my fucking shoulder in pushing our broken-down car, so off work yesterday and today, off my tits on painkillers.
    To be honest, could be worse.

  9. Wife, last night: “Oh, apparently my car’s MOT runs out on Saturday. Can you book it in for me?”

    Next MOT I can get anywhere nearby is on the 17th. My car only has two seats. I guess we’re not going anywhere as a family for a couple of weeks!

  10. I’m finally able to eat food after two days without it upsetting my stomach or giving me heartburn and it feels glorious. Stomach bugs really are no joke.

  11. I’ve been off work for the last 3½ weeks with a torn muscle in my calf. My sick note runs out the middle of next week and I can walk well enough to work but I’m not sure I’m really ready to do it all day every day.

    I’ve spoken to one of my colleagues, we’re short and no one is covering my patients. I’m just not sure how I’m going to get there and back.

  12. met chris barrie recently ( i know that’s from red dwarf but loved him as hillary in the tomb raider movie ) he was such a gentleman, very well spoken and told me some stories of him and angelina jolie on the set of the second tomb raider movie !

  13. Well the car’s in the garage to fix a sensor which will hopefully remind said vehicle that it does indeed have coolant and isn’t going to melt. Then a chap is coming to hopefully fix the shower so that the head stays in place and we don’t have to contortion to have a wash. Otherwise, working from home, started my Forest School training this week so catching up on a few bits, and generally not rushing around

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