Met Police officers sacked over athlete stop and search handed jobs back after winning appeal

Met Police officers sacked over athlete stop and search handed jobs back after winning appeal

by sjw_7

  1. >lied by saying they could smell cannabis

    The reason they use is precisely because you can’t disprove it.  “I can smell cannabis” is a magic spell that grants them the power to do anything.

  2. Called it ….. the “due process” of the disciplinary panel was borked and that was plain to read even on the published documents.

  3. If the police officers didn’t lie, and they were able to smell cannabis during the stop – why weren’t they able to find it?

    The sentence for possession is up to 5 years in prison or an unlimited fine – why did they let them off without any charge?

  4. Good. Those athletes should be ashamed of themselves, abusing their positions as celebrities to get innocent police officers sacked because they were upset about being pulled over.

  5. Good. Both keeping stop and search and then using police as scapegoats when a celebrity gets stopped and searched for virtue signalling isn’t helpful. Everyone should be treated equally, if ypu don’t want negative press from stopping and searching high profile persons then scrap it for everyone (which I’m in favour of), don’t suspend random people who were doing their job.

  6. The Misconduct Hearing went after them most strongly on the “I could smell cannabis claims”, which was prime bullshit as it was the one part of the incident that they couldn’t prove – as how the fuck do you prove a smell happened on BWV – and it was an easy in for a panel baying for blood to appease the public.

    Good thing they’ve got their jobs back.

  7. Anyone who isn’t blinded by racial tensions and appeasing upset celebrities knew that this was always going to happen.

    While I’m glad that they have been reinstated, did an incident that was fully captured on BWV with several witnesses really need three years to come to a conclusion?

  8. Shouldn’t they do a drug test then? If I’m pulled over stinking of booze you can bet I’ll be breathalysed.

  9. Conveniently this article doesn’t mention they failed to stop after having been driving on the wrong side of the road. Enough reason to stop a vehicle, wouldn’t you say? And why would someone drive in that manner, would anyone ever suspect they are under the influence of something? Would, then, the suspected smell of cannabis not make you put two and two together?

    THEN, They failed to stop – that would raise suspicion to any rationale person, alone, but with the manner of driving, no doubt you’ve alarmed with suspicion. Or do the public not want police to stop people driving dangerously on the wrong side of the road?

    They weren’t just stopped outside their home.

    Also fails to mention not just the suspicion of drugs but also weapons. This isn’t, then, smell of cannabis alone, there would have been other information suggesting this as you can’t smell weapons.

  10. Outstanding result, the panel was baying for blood to appease race grifters from the start

  11. This seems like the correct result that should always have happened. The suspects in question use their status as Z list celebrities to draw attention to their cause.

    Stopping and searching people is a proven tactic to reduce crime.

    The panel has now conclusively ruled that the officers did not lie about smelling cannabis from the car. Maybe we should’ve spent less time lighting up and more time looking after their baby?

  12. I once put in a complaint because I witnessed a stop and search where two boys were dressed identically and only one of them was searched for drugs.

    The police even verbally said to the kid he was being searched because of how he was dresses but left his friend alone.

    The report back on my complaint said the camera’s audio had been mysteriously turned off one minute into the search so there’s no evidence of what I heard them say. And my complaint was dropped.

    So I’m really surprised these two lost their jobs for even a second.

  13. Hardly a surprise. Huge time and money wasted for some low level clout and victimhood. Hope it was worth it.

  14. The Met is indeed institutionally racist.

    If these had been two white people the case would never have been pursued to disciplinary and it would not have made headline news.

    Right decision in this case finally.

  15. I think because english isnt my first language but I struggled to make sense of this title

  16. This article fails to explain this fully. Why were they pulled over? Why were they handcuffed….is it because they refused to cooperate? If the officers’ conduct was found to be excessive, why were they reinstated?

  17. People acting like workers and specially police aren’t overly protected and that’s probably the most likely case why they have been won the appeal

    Yeah I just read the article the police investigated themselves beautiful country they found non wrongdoing at all

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