Die USA sagen, dass die größten Bedrohungen für die Wahlbeeinflussung von Russland, dem Iran und China ausgehen

Die USA sagen, dass die größten Bedrohungen für die Wahlbeeinflussung von Russland, dem Iran und China ausgehen


  1. I wouldn’t leave out India. I know that their trolls are working overtime here in Canada.

  2. Crazy how the most powerful government doesn’t have better security and protection against this.

    I been hearing about this for years in relations to the USA, but it seems to be getting worse and worse.

  3. Its pretty easy to tell the major perpetrators though, its usually the ones who are always making grand tirades of how important “muh free speech” is (that they don’t understand at all) followed by a barrag of conspiratorial or baseless nonsense.

    Its like always the same type of people

  4. The axis of evil has never gone away, they just kept quiet for awhile when times were good.

    Now that their economy, society and their power and existence is in question, they’re gonna try to fuck with everyone especially the United States.

    Make no mistake, Russia, China and Iran are enemies, not just bothersome annoyances.

  5. It’s important to see which country has the most to gain from a Trump victory. While it would benefit China to be able to have their computer chip manufacturing capability restored by Trump, with Russia they’d win a war they’d otherwise lose. A few billion on Trump saves a couple of trillion in war crime reparations.

  6. Honestly, I am starting to think the U.S. should make an example of Iran. I get you can’t fight China and Russia directly atm, but most of the world hates Iran and they aren’t big enough yet to do much in a traditional military sense. Basically send the message that we won’t tolerate interference in our elections. Make it so if they want to do it, they know what the price they will pay is. Basically make it, “If you come for the king, you best not miss your shot.”

  7. Damn. I really thought they were going to say Greenland and Martians. What a surprise

  8. Indeed – and most of them are here on Reddit with their -100karma accounts, hopping from alt account to alt account as they hit their 10post caps…

  9. I wonder how these 3 agree on who to influence towards a certain candidate? China and Iran probably don’t want a Trump win and Russia may rather deal with Trump.

  10. They all influencing to get their boy trump in, should stop the problem at the source if you ask me.

  11. As a citizen of a “Western” country, I am consistently flabbergasted that my fellow people are completely blind to the fact that BRICS is the assembly of a new Axis and that states like Russia and Iran hold the full societal belief that they are in permanent war with “Western” countries and that a formal declaration of war is not only unnecessary but would be foolish as it gives up their advantage of waging asymmetrical hybrid warfare completely unopposed. They are using the “Western” necessity to stand by ideals as a weapon against us and waging war while insisting it is anything but, and it is working because we are stupid.

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