It’s the economy, stupid

It’s the economy, stupid

by GoMx808-0

  1. Trump is a douche but this post ignores the shutdown of the entire world due to COVID.
    Thanks for the misdirection OP.

  2. Well the reason why there’s so many job openings “created” because of a US recession with people being layed off left and right.

  3. I see what you did there OP. Not unexpected for a Democrat. Look deeper into data next time. It may earn you more ‘trust’.

  4. The Biden/Harris job gains were simply the jobs that opened back up when the lockdowns ended. Plus a whole pant load of part time jobs that many have multiple of just to stay afloat.
    Inflation under the Trump administration was between 1-2%. It skyrocketed under the Biden/Harris administration due to the cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and leases for oil drilling which destroyed America’s energy independence that the Trump administration built. Killing energy production impacts everything and drives up costs. Basic economics kids. Read a book.

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