Reform poll surge continues in warning to Tories and Labour

Reform poll surge continues in warning to Tories and Labour

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. It was always going to be about the next election with Reform, they said as much.

    What boggles my mind is how Labour’s popularity seemingly hasn’t dipped since releasing 5000 prisoners early, or jailing people for writing Facebook posts, waving an England flag at the police, etc etc etc.

  2. General election adds up to 102%?
    August 2024 is 101%
    October 2024 is 99%

    Am I missing something, none of these percentages sum to 100%?

    That and the fact that is was conducted on 1,562 which is a really small number… I don’t really know what we’re supposed to take from this.

  3. Even though the next election is more than 4 years away, I wonder how low Labour will need to poll before Labour HQ starts to worry about their popularity. This is the kind of number we saw during the depths of Corbynism.

  4. Labour are setting us up for a Reform win whenever the next election is, absolutely fucking useless.

  5. Labour won’t do anything about immigration because theY feel guilty about it. Conservatives won’t do anything about it because they want a poor, insecure, easily exploitable workforce. They both recognise the economic and legal problems it would cause. Reform come out with a lot of populist nonsense they know won’t really work but people will fall for their BS. The mainstream parties really need to truly understand the anger in the country and do something or it’ll be the Brexit referendum all over again.

  6. Why would this scare Labour? They don’t generally appeal to the far-right, so a surge in the far-right should only worry the Tories.

  7. I think it is some kind of progress that a party like reform is considered far right. I don’t think they would in many other countries.

  8. The problem with Reform is when you actually look at their policies. They are fucking insane and would lead the country to ruin.

    If Reform could tone it down a little, stop with the hate politics, they could be a viable alternative to the two party system. But their current manifesto is an absolute joke, illegal and wouldn’t work.

  9. If reform ever get in be prepared for them and their voters to start going out and Killing people

  10. So you’re telling me the attempt to coin the phrase “farage riots” has in fact backfired?

  11. Reform are popular because Nigel Farage is popular.

    Nigel Farage is popular because:

    a) [He supports and applauds crashing and burning our economy](

    b) He supports a proven sex offender, proven fraud and wannabe dictator who wants to trample the constitutional rights of Americans and is quite clearly mentally unwell.

    c) He believes (to a large enough extent to start riots over) the word of a serial rapist and people trafficker.

    d) He prefers to swan off to America rather than meet his own constituents because he believes they’re all terrorists. Or at least lies about telling the *Speaker*(‘s office) that.

    Makes one wonder what kind of people he’s popular *with*, really, doesn’t it? [EDIT: Likely includes the 6 people who downvoted but couldn’t muster the cells to summon a plausible argument]

  12. It’s not really a warning to Labour. Negative polling at this point in the electoral cycle will reflect protests against the government. The real threat is to the Tories, because the bulk of those Reform votes come from the right of the spectrum. Even then, if the Tory party lurches to the right under whoever wins the leadership race… then the Reform party may not even exist by the time the next election comes round. If they do exist, they’ll split the Tory vote and make it easier for Labour to win.

  13. Its not surprising really Labour haven’t really done anything to prove Reform wrong. If anything they’ve proved Reform right with how similar Labour are to the Tories. If they don’t immediately jump on this foreign aid discussion emerging and not immediately capping immigration Reform’s support will continue to go up. People for the last 20 ish years have been told we are going to do something about completely unregulated immigration and no one has done anything.

  14. Tories ruined the country, Labour are being cunts especially starmer and his bullshit around the riots.

  15. It feels like “This is how you get a Reform government” has become some kind of meme response.

    But are people actually thinking about what that means? What about a Reform government is so appealing?

    On immigration all they offer is yet another vapid three-word slogan of the same kind we’ve had for the last 10+ years.

    And on a host of other issues they seem *fucking unhinged,* like their economic policies sound an awful lot like a rehash of the Truss experiments and their public sector reform proposals like effectively destroying the civil service as an independent institution are a little bit terrifying…?

    What am I missing?

  16. They’ve got my vote next time. They almost had it last time but in the end I just spoiled my ballot, same as the last couple of elections, out of complete and total disgust the absolute shower of unworthy shits that have been running this country my entire life.

    I don’t expect them to win or to even fix anything if they do. I’ll just be voting for them for the same reason I voted to leave the EU; as a great big “get fucked” to the establishment and the elite of this nation.

  17. Here is the problem.

    Back in late 70’s / early 80’s countries around the world came across the idea to use cheap foreign labour to boost productivity.

    As the decades rolled on and Companies around the world grew into the multi national multi million / billion pound behemoths that they are now, that exist purely to generate wealth for their share holders, have a constant need to increase their share price.

    To do this they consistently have to show ever increasing profits.

    Well how do you have ever improving profits? You either sell what your producing for more money or cut costs.

    Now every product has limit on what you can charge for so you cut costs.

    How do you cut costs, you employ less people, you pay lower wages, you spend less on your materials, components etc..

    Now who is willing to work more hours for less money… People who are desperate.

    Which group of people are the most desperate…

    You now have another problem, the birth rate ever decreasing. Costs of living always increasing, wages are stagnet, people naturally having less kids.

    You know have an aging population to deal with.

    How do you solve this?

    Yep, same answer as which group of people are the most desperate.

    Lots of countries are stuck in the is position where their population is aging, birth rate is decreasing, your dependent on immigrants running a host of different industries, what do you do?

  18. What do anyone expect, it’s obvious to plenty of people that the UK is tired of the uncontrolled immigration and Labour haven’t got a clue in how to control it. If you keep letting them come and stay, more will keep coming

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