Best German food

Best German food

by peseoane

  1. Pueblo, you really want to provoke a German civil war, don’t you? Because it’s gonna take only few time until the first dude arrives and calls this breaded piece of sausage a “Jägerschnitzel”.

  2. So yeah, take some ultraprocessed fatty food, bread it and fry it. Then melt a ton of butter and add ketchup and

    WTF is that pasta now?

  3. Honestly the fried sausage thing looks unhealthy but fine.

    The fuck is that tomato sauce though?

  4. West Germany saw this abomination and decided enough is enough we need to Anschluss East Germany

  5. I just want to know why you need to add ketchup to a tomato sauce… Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of making a sauce from scratch?

  6. Please don’t associate me with that nonsense from the East. The Soviets really messed them up good.

  7. I’m sure such a cuisine can only cultivate in a socialist shithole with a trash availability for basic foods. Let’s be fair, if they had actual tomatos to buy in their Kaufhalle instead of only Jütro Ketchup, they would have also used actual tomato sauce for their pasta in Dunkeldeutschland.

  8. I feast on the tears of the Wessis who move to the East to study and get this Schmackofatz in the canteen when they expect a real schnitzel. It’s fucking delicious btw

  9. When he added the ketchup, I actually threw the phone to the opposite wall. I’m writing this from my computer, and have taken anxiety pills so I don’t yeet it across the room.

  10. Why do east Germans still eat this? Don’t they know that communism is over? You don’t have to do that anymore

  11. If this Schnitzel was Japanese, people would flock to it as a culinary gift to humans.

  12. I am amazed they still get less colocteral cancers than us eating stuff like this. Panzer digestive system.

  13. To be fair they had a lot of shortages and did the best they could, with the things they had.
    At least it wasn’t an actual Schnitzel.

  14. Studied in East Germany and ate it in the cantine. I expected a normal Schnitzel and got this… and its delicious. I am still buying Jagdwurst whenever i visit someone in the east and make myself some Jägerschnitzel.

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