

by exkingzog

  1. I never understood the complaints against gentrification. If you own, you’re not priced out (in fact you gain from it), and if you rent, I don’t get how you can be entitled to anything, especially to maintaining a local level of relative poverty.

    The whole thing sounds like an incomprehensible “don’t make this area too nice”. It’s like being anti-progress.

    I don’t mind the graffiti either though.

  2. I can sympathise with that and can understand their pint of view, however I have always taken the approach that there is no way to stop these kind of things from happening.

    It will continue whether you like it or not, so you’re better off trying to see how you can best navigate it. Unfortunately and sadly nothing can be done against all the millions/billions pounds interests of developers, real estate companies etc..

  3. I remember reading a Dean Blunt interview where he said the people who complain the most about gentrification always seem to be the biggest gentrifiers.

  4. I priced that job for a demolition company and a large proportion of that building was a run down shite hole. It boggles the mind that people think redeveloping an area not fit for human occupation is a bad thing. Bloody hippies

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