Recorded hate crimes in Scotland up 63% since law introduced in April | Crimes against disabled people rise substantially, while elderly people are protected by new law for first time

Recorded hate crimes in Scotland have risen by 63% since new legislation came into force, with officers saying the increase reflects greater public confidence that offences will be investigated.

Data shared exclusively with the Guardian reveals a significant rise in hate crime against disabled people, and also against elderly people, who are protected by the new law for the first time. Police Scotland says concerns about the impact on freedom of speech have not been borne out.

The Guardian understand nobody has so far been charged with a hate crime for misgendering or affirming biological sex online, nor has such activity been logged as a non-crime hate incident, as some gender-critical feminist groups had feared.

The deputy chief constable, Alan Speirs, said: “When there is increased public trust and confidence, people will speak out. I don’t think this rise suggests any community is less safe now than they were six months ago, but it does show more people are highlighting their concerns.

“We’re not seeing a lot of crime around stirring up hatred or gender-related matters, nor this impinging on an individual’s human right to express their views.

Speirs said that while there had been a “disproportionate focus” on gender identity in April, there were relatively few crimes relating to that protected characteristic. The “most significant rise” related to disability.

About 300 reported hate crimes related to age. There were also 679 hate crimes against police officers and staff while on duty, 12% of the total.

The Crown Office, Scotland’s prosecution service, confirmed that 468 charges had been reported to them since April, with some form of action taken in almost 94% of those cases, resulting in 42 convictions and 82% still in court.

Police Scotland cautioned against making direct comparisons with previous figures because of a combination of factors: a new national crime recording system that was being rolled out as the act came into force; the inclusion of additional protected characteristics and crime types in the new law; and increased public awareness.

by backupJM

1 comment
  1. >The deputy chief constable, Alan Speirs, said: “When there is increased public trust and confidence, people will speak out. I don’t think this rise suggests any community is less safe now than they were six months ago, but it does show more people are highlighting their concerns.

    >“We’re not seeing a lot of crime around stirring up hatred or gender-related matters, nor this impinging on an individual’s human right to express their views.

    >“What we are seeing is a much clearer picture of the challenges and tensions that exist within local communities.”

    >Speirs also suggested that as officers put their training into practice they were more alert to a hate crime that was aligned to another crime. He gave the example of an elderly person who was a victim of vandalism but, as an officer took further details, it transpired this was as a consequence of their age.

    Interesting insight.

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