What Americans look like to the rest of the world…

What Americans look like to the rest of the world…

Posted by Creative-Web-9274

  1. I love how Kamala, at 59, is considered young. But given the comparison, she’s practically a teenager.

  2. No you don’t get it, she didn’t get any primary votes and the Democrats installed her as the candidate.

    THEREFORE all criticisms of Donald Trump are moot and he deserves to be voted for.

    Biggest fucking /S in my life.

  3. Don’t forget the fact they’ve been doing this shit since AUGUST and there’s still A WHOLE MONTH before they vote! Al lot of countries could have done at least 2 elections already.

  4. And in Westminster system of democracies, party leaders (therefore prime ministers) are replaced every other day. Who cares?? No one. Coz politics is boring.. America on the other hand.

  5. This makes it sound like we’re undecided.

    On one side MOST Americans are smashing that button that says “young Intelligent Not-White Woman” as hard as we can without a second thought.

    The other side (which has MILLIONS LESS PEOPLE) is holding down the Moron button…while also trying to rip out all the wires under the console, while using their foot to trip the people lined up for the Kamala button, AND hitting the button more times than they should, all the while claiming everyone else is cheating.

    The dude pretending he doesn’t know who he’s voting for or says they’re “hurr durr independent” is trying to sneak a button press for Trump without anyone seeing so they don’t find out that they’re a racist asshole.

  6. We’ve been through this already; Orange is of the mental age of a 4 year old. This number will continue to go down the more his dementia escalates.

  7. It baffles me that Trump is tied with her. They are fed so many lies that they can’t distinguish the truth anymore.

  8. Nope. I’m convinced this won’t be nearly as close as all the click bate poll articles and shit want us to believe it is for.. all the clicks.

  9. America has not chosen trump both times he ran for president, it’ll be no different the third time. He only won once because of the ancient relic known as the electoral college. He’s massively unpopular despite what you may have seen in the media.

  10. Whatever you think of him, no other candidate has united and energized the Republican base like Donald Trump has. He’s even brought more people into the party that were not politically active. But if Trump loses, the GOP will be scattered and rudderless, with nobody else for them to wave flags for.

    “Help us Obi-Don, you’re our only hope!”

  11. It’s humiliating that such a large portion of ppl in this country think a corrupt, moronic, criminal Orange Shitstain is a viable candidate in any possible way. The near entirety of the GOP are vile, phobic, racist, misogynistic, greedy, hypocritical, selfish, narcissistic fascists and they’re all just utter repulsive examples of humanity. It’s disgusting.

    I would never ever tell anyone I’m from America. It’s depressing and shameful.

  12. So do we, as Americans who are willing to fight for our vote for the “non-white woman” get the credit from the rest of the world for sticking to our convictions even when our neanderthal neighbors threaten us?

  13. VP Harris will probably get 10M more votes than IQ45, but the EC count will still be close, especially if the planted MAGAts refuse to certify.

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