Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron fordert ein Waffenembargo gegen Israel

Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron fordert ein Waffenembargo gegen Israel

  1. So then they start going to Russia and China to get their weapons. I am sure they would be happy to take any remaining influence the west has in the area.

  2. France’s not a major provider for weapons, but still, he should be calling for the exact opposite.

    This war cannot and will not be solved by politics and negotiations. Not anymore.

  3. The main reason Europe cares about this conflict is because it’s a left vs right political issue and it centers around Muslims in Europe, whether refugees, immigrants, or citizens.

    They’re fully aware of the security risks and the political fallout. That’s the number one reason they want Israel to stop. They couldn’t care less about Israel’s security when it directly affects the political and security situation in their home countries.

    They’re hoping to flex tape the issue by forcing Israel to retreat.

  4. Israel is literally doing everyone else’s dirty work by eliminating the largest terrorist organizations in the world (Hezbollah and Iran).

    It’s simultaneously freeing the citizens of these countries from their tyrannical regimes who oppress and limit their rights, especially those of their women and LBGTQ populations

    It’s such a f*cking double standard when it comes to Jews and Israel. It’s disgusting.

  5. France brought Yasser Arafat to their country when he was dying. They have always been pro-Palestinian, nothing they say on this issue matters. There is a reason that the United States’ closest allies are Canada, the UK , and Australia but not them. They aren’t trustworthy and haven’t been since post WWII.

  6. Like if Iran and all the terrorists were attacking France it would be a different story

  7. France does what it does best, surrender to the evil axis of the world. I wonder how far that took them last time they bent over to radicals

  8. Typical Frenchmen. Throw up the white flag as soon as the going gets tough. Go Israel, make sure there is nothing left of Hamas and Hezbollah. Houthi next.

  9. He hates being out of the headlines. He always pops up to be fashionably controversial when someone else has an existential crisis going on.

  10. Israel just needs to allow all their neighbors to fire missiles at them and attack their people with AK47s while they’re commuting in perpetuity.

    That’s all.

    Most of the missiles are homemade anyway. They barely ever hit their intended targets!

    What’s the big deal?

  11. Macron hasn’t been saying much over the last year until Israel started decimating and decapitating Hezbollah leadership. France is perhaps panicking that their colonial influence and entitlement over managing Lebanese politics and proxy militias might come to an end. The gossip in the media that White House is even contemplating to run “elections” to install a president in Lebanon must be pissing off the French political elites. In Macron’s mind, if you starve Israel of defensive means, France can go back to status quo that they enjoyed for decades in the region.

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