Does anyone know what’s this about?

I've seen a couple of these all over London. Wondering if this is a scam where you scan the QR code and you're basically hacked?

by lost04

  1. Yeah I scanned it the other day. It takes you to a mailchimp marketing campaign from a brewery

  2. TIL that some people think you can have your phone ‘hacked’ simply by opening a URL.

    The link just takes you to the website for a brewery.

  3. I mean the marketing is effective in the sense that it makes people curious enough to scan the code just to know what it is, but I’d avoid the business altogether just out of annoyance

  4. IRL clickbait. I don’t know how you expect to sell beers to people you just bait-and-switched.

    There is a reason YouTube actively disincentivised this shit on videos.

  5. I saw one of these near me.

    I’m ashamed to say I scanned it hoping for some interesting local drama, so it was disappointing that it was an uninteresting ad campaign for a beer brand or something like that.

    I’d have been less annoyed if they linked it into their brand somehow – even selling us a can of “Mark’s Sneaky Stout” would be better than it just being an unrelated brand.

  6. Third time seeing this on Reddit. This is definitely some marketing campaign that I’m not going to scan.

  7. Saw the same things in Manchester so either this woman is furious or he’s been busy

  8. I think this is funny and clever marketing. The nosy among us would scan immediately. Many moons ago ‘You’ve been Tangoed’ was one of my favourites. There was one ad where they asked you to call a number and report – I think it was if you’d seen one of their specific drinks. My friend and I phoned up and reported it-leaving our details. Ages later I got a postcard with a picture of an Indian market on the front. For ages I couldn’t work out who the postcard was from. The name was no-one I knew.

    Then one day with the clarity only smoking too much weed can give I looked at the postcard and a woman in the picture was holding the drink.

    Messed with my head that did.

  9. Marketing ploy…

    We’ve seen this numerous times in r/Ottawa

    Either that or mark is one hell of a promiscuous fella 😳😅

  10. If my partner cheated on me, I would obviously anonymize them as much as possible on my revenge poster – no surname, hiding his image behind a QR code (surely loads more effort than putting a pic?)

  11. I saw one of these in Whitehall yesterday – assumed it was a scam, because if it was genuine it would simply have a photo of the man

  12. For the love of God (or whoever you believe in) don’t scan QR codes like that. We thought about using them to cascade information easily on information signage for work jobs but after about 2 mins it was like oh someone will put a scam overlay QR over the top and we’ll end up picking up the pieces. The world ain’t a nice place right now.

  13. I saw a group of 4 20 y/o guys posting these around. Tore a few down because I assumed viruses

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