Trump being annoyed by an african immigrant

Trump being annoyed by an african immigrant

Posted by Lou_Dawson

  1. Someone recently died there because of Trump and these narcissists decided to go back to the scene of the crime and celebrate. Deplorable.

  2. If only they were hugged and showed affection when they were young, we wouldn’t be in this position right now

  3. That’s such a hilariously stupid picture. You couldn’t pose a stupider picture.

  4. Let’s be honest. trump may be annoyed at musk for being musk. Or trump suddenly remembered that musk is actually richer than himself.

    Either way it’s probably stupid.

  5. Mark my Words… Musk will demand the Trump sells his DJT stock to him at a bargain basement price.

  6. This rich kid actually bald loser, supports Russia way too much – a terrorist state, and geriatric Trump, a white nationalist terrorist, caused and supported jan 6, tried to stop American democracy. Both dudes were born silver spoon and this is just… weird.

  7. Literal mental cases, one inherited(dementia) with another one obtained(drug addiction).

  8. South African immigrant ,nobody from Kenya , Egypt, Ethiopia , Morocco and the list goes on wants to be associated with that deranged motherfucker!

  9. Can’t we just start over?

    Mankind is clearly doomed and we’re just prolonging the inevitable.

    Just pull the plug and let nature take over again.

  10. I would feel bad for him, but then I remember what an absolute stain he is, and laugh instead.

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