Schoolboy, 15, pulled out of lessons over ‘extreme’ haircut he needs for medical condition

Schoolboy, 15, pulled out of lessons over ‘extreme’ haircut he needs for medical condition

Posted by daily_mirror

  1. I’m not allowing the mirror to use it’s cookies for this article, so I can’t read it, but unless he has some type of traumatic brain injury and he has a hole in his head, what type of medical condition requires a crap haircut?

    Follicular insanity?
    ADHD (attention desiring himbo disorder)

  2. Not surprising schools have always been bullshit when it comes to hair, even if you had a number 2 all over you’d be put in isolation, then forget it if you want to dye it brown or ginger.

  3. I can’t see anything wrong with the boy’s haircut.

    Are skin fades expensive ? Is that the rationale for this “equality and focus” ?

  4. The school is ridiculous for caring about kids’ hair. The parents are ridiculous for claiming it’s for a medical condition.

  5. This is shitty on both sides. The school for thinking this is extreme and the parents for making up a ridiculous “medical” reason.

  6. We all know schools have a grade 2 or grade 3 rule for boys. Get a skin fade = face consequences.

    Non-story. Just some entitled parents thinking their kid does not need to follow the school’s rules.

  7. It doesn’t look at all extreme to me. I think the army would allow it. Half the young lads I see have a similar cut.

    I got excluded from college in the 80sfot having a Mohawk. They were fine when it was my own hair colour, but when I dyed it black, I was excluded until it was back to my normal blonde. The best I could do was get it back to a sickly orange, at which point I was allowed back. It was a nautical college for merchant seamen cadets, so they were overly strict.

  8. Fknell, that’s what we called a short back n sides and it’s pretty much what we had to have at school!

    Having said that, the parents could’ve got round the problem by contacting the school to ask before he got it.

    Plus, I’m no expert, but I reckon there’s not much difference between a Number 0 and a Number 2 for cooling heads. And they could cool him down a bit more by trimming that bush on the top.

  9. Putting restrictions on haircuts is extremely draconian. I’ve never heard of that happening, nobody cared in my schools growing up.

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