Was Putins invasion into Ukraine the ultimate For the history books leopard 🐆 eat my face ever?

Was Putins invasion into Ukraine the ultimate For the history books leopard 🐆 eat my face ever?


by Bigcockhoodstyle565

  1. WW1 invasion of Gallipoli.
    British Navy ships stayed off the coast for several days, giving the local defenders (Turks) time to prepare a reception.

    WW2 Arnhem, operation market garden (“Bridge too far”)
    British troops parachuting into an area where intelligence knew panzer tanks were doing R&R.

    WW2 Nazi invasion of Russia
    Experienced general staff voluntarily turning a war time critical ally into a fierce enemy and eventual second front / huge drain on military.

    U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, not understanding tribal chaos

    U.S. support corrupt South Vietnam govt, not recognizing local patriotic feelings South & North.

    WW2 Japan attack on Pearl Harbor.
    Followed by Nazi declare war on U.S. several days later.

    Spanish Armada attack on England

    European “Children’s Crusade” marching thousands of kids straight into slavery.

    (Plenty of meat in the above, expecting pushback on topics. 🙂

  2. Rule 6: Do not editorialize

    Do not editorialize unless absolutely necessary for the title to make sense. Otherwise, titles must be verbatim from the link header/title.

  3. Putin will probably survive (politically) if he can keep Crimea and the occupied territories through war or an agreement. If he loses both, he will also lose the support of his citizens. In the logic of tyranny, he will then probably be “replaced”. The only question is whether a successor is more committed to war or peace. In my opinion, anything is possible, from a peaceful withdrawal from Ukraine and reparations to nuclear war.

  4. The Ribbentropp Molotov pact is that “ultimate leopard eat my face” trope you are looking for. The soviet union fed the beast, allowing her to enter the war safely, eating Poland, France, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Danemark, Yugoslavia, Grece. And after that the Soviet Union who ate Poland and the baltic states in-between.

    Only it was immense suffering and sacrifice for all the soviet people. Most of victims being Ukrainians and Belarussians here. Meanwhile Kremlin scum thrive on this. They thrive during the pact, during the war and after so they could claimed to be both victims and heroes and deny any guilt and accountability.

    Today Kremlin is back to deny after acknowledging it in the 80’s by Gorbatchev.

  5. I think we need the conclusion before anything can be determined. But I definitely hope so, that worthless shit stain on history deserve to be hated eternally.

  6. For ordinary the russian a big fat yes at no point was the west ever going to invade the repercussions will be long an lasting watch as other countries close to Russia peel away in the next few years you catch more fly’s with honey than vinegar

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