Hi, this is recurring post to include some information about frequently asked questions in r/Finland. Please check the links first before asking trivial questions.
You can ask here in comments, or create a new post.
Remember that there is a very large chance that someone has already asked the question you're going to ask and gotten an answer, so please read our FAQ, search the sub, and Google before asking. We have very helpful users here that like to answer questions so out of respect for their time, search first. Thanks!
If you're asking about moving to Finland, please specify whether you're an EU citizen or not. Many laws and procedures are different for EU citizens and non-EU citizens. When giving advice, please pay attention to the status of the person in question.
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Helpful websites:
The official information
- General information about Finland, moving to Finland, living in Finland: https://www.infofinland.fi/en
- The government website for traveling to Finland from different countries: https://finlandabroad.fi/frontpage
- The official Finland website: https://www.suomi.fi/frontpage/
- Finnish Immigration Service (residence permits etc): https://migri.fi/en/home
- Information about education: https://opintopolku.fi/konfo/en/
- The official tax percentage calculator
- Social security in international situations moving to or from Finland: https://www.kela.fi/international-situations
Travel, tourism
- The Official Travel guide of Finland: https://www.visitfinland.com/
- Finland Travel guide at WikiVoyage: https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Finland
- National Parks: https://www.nationalparks.fi/
- Uusimaa outdoor recreation areas: https://uuvi.fi/en/areas/
- Everyman’s Right explained: https://www.nationalparks.fi/everymansright
- Public transport routes and prices in Finland: https://www.perille.fi/en
- Auroras in Finland:
Employment in Finland
- Find a job in Finland: https://www.infofinland.fi/work-and-enterprise/find-a-job-in-finland
- The current situation and outlook for the labour market: https://tyovoimabarometri.fi/
- Regulated professions in Finland: https://www.oph.fi/en/services/regulated-professions-finland
- the essential rules and the employee's duties and rights in working life: https://tyoelamaan.fi/en/
- How to apply for a job: https://tyoelamanpelisaannot.fi/en/how-do-you-apply-for-a-job/
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