Russian Telegram channels report a fire in the area of of the higher combined military command school in Moscow region. Locals reported hearing an explosion, then seeing smoke. Shooting ranges and a gas station are located by the school, according to Russian media.

Russian Telegram channels report a fire in the area of of the higher combined military command school in Moscow region.

Locals reported hearing an explosion, then seeing smoke. Shooting ranges and a gas station are located by the school, according to Russian media.

by BigDeckBob

  1. Correction according to Ruzzian press secretary: “Careless smokers on the driving range set gas station on fire. Unfortunately the military command school was involved due to falling debris.”

  2. press release from moscow. “nothing to see here folks and if you even hint that there is a war going on, well you already know what will happen to you”

  3. The more smoke clouds rising over Moscow and St Petersburg the better. Let all the “affluent “ russians see they are in a war. They need to feel fear, doubt and financial pain.

  4. The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
    We don′t need no water, let the motherfucker burn
    Burn motherfucker, burn

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