Russian human safari. Russian drone operators track a civilian car in Kherson, dropping a grenade on its windshield as the driver stops to load groceries. The driver jumps out, bleeding, and stops moving. We cannot ignore these daily horrors in Ukraine, no matter how tempting.

Russian human safari. Russian drone operators track a civilian car in Kherson, dropping a grenade on its windshield as the driver stops to load groceries. The driver jumps out, bleeding, and stops moving. We cannot ignore these daily horrors in Ukraine, no matter how tempting.

by rulepanic

  1. I’m not sure how much of what’s been going on in Kherson has made it to reddit, but Russian drone operators have been hunting civilian and publishing the videos online for the last few months

  2. There can barely be a civilised nation on God’s green earth that doesn’t hold the ruzzian scurge in utter contempt. When all this is over, and I hope very much sooner than later, ruzzia will be pariah state for decades and putin will be remembered as the ultimate tyrant; history books will list many of his terrorist activities across the globe. Why would anyone want to exist knowing this? It’s time for his bunker moment..

  3. Sometimes, I wonder whose blood is colder: the animals that do this sort of thing or the people with the power to stop it who calculate that doing nothing is the lesser evil.

  4. They need to give you Ukraine the authorization too deeply strike into Russia at this point in time. And reduce the ability for Russia to penetrate even further into Ukraine

    Hunting civilians is disgusting everything they’ve been doing to Ukraine civilians is disgusting.

    Everything Russia has been doing is disgusting.

  5. Even if you look at this through a strictly military lens this is beyond stupid. Let’s waste limited resources on non-military targets that will only steepen the resolve of our enemy…. Russians understand nothing but cruelty.

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