Russia plans to recruit 225,000 contract soldiers annually

Russia plans to recruit 225,000 contract soldiers annually

by SoftwareExact9359

  1. Russia has never won a war by quality. Quantity has been their winning move. So this comes as no surprise. I just hope russian parents realize that their kids are going to be fertilizer in Ukraine.

  2. That’s 4.5 billion at 20k. USD per head per year not sure if they’re planning on giving them anything to actually use

  3. It’s not just about salaries. A lot of highly qualified professionals have already fled the country. They want it to continue to happen

  4. The longer EU and USA keeps engaging in “conflict management & containment” instead of “strategizing for victory”, the more time russia gets to reconstitute its army.

  5. So this is an awful idea. Of course its not good for Ukraine, but it’s even worse for Russia. While Russia still has stores of vehicles and whatnot, they are depleting and the quality and age of these vehicles is going down and up, respectively. Anytime you hear reports of hundreds of new vehicles being produced every month, this is only a half-truth. The majority of that number is actually old tanks they got in “good enough” condition to go to the frontline, not new T-90s and such. The economy is suffering big time, with many analysts suggesting the only thing keeping it afloat atm is the war itself and that if it stops, they’re boned. Once again, they’re having trouble getting ever basic necessities to their troops, like food and water. It’s not so much that they can’t produce it per se (Russia itself isn’t running out of food anytime soon), it’s actually getting it to their troops. Their logistics are getting worse and worse. The workforce is in deep trouble and will only be worsened by recruitment numbers they’re suggesting.

    I could go on and on, but everyone here gets the point and almost assuredly knew all of this already. Russia is already gonna be in terrible shape after this war they’ve already lost in many ways aside from boots on soil, which is right now just ruined towns and currently pointless fields. The longer this goes on, the longer it’ll take for Russia to recover, if they even can, and if everything we’ve seen so far is right, it’s far from a 1:1 ratio on days fighting to day needed to recover. They’ve lost tons of business and no one trusts them save for a handful of nations, most of which have nothing to actually offer except more meat.

  6. ruzzia is making many claims lately: going to conscript 125K soldiers, going to triple production, going to spend $$$$$ on the military, etc.

    They are all bullshit. It is propaganda, and the worst part is both Ukrainian and western press eat it up.

    They have no capacity. Anyone who follows in detail ruzzia’s current economic indicators will tell you the same thing as I: they are fucked and they know it. ruzzia is having enormous manufacturing issues and a dire shortage of skilled labor. They are behind on trade payments and every day more doors are closing on them.

    And after almost 3 yrs of war far fewer ruzzians are still having the wool pulled over their eyes about the special police action in Ukraine. In the rural oblasts and territories no longer does the population foolishly volunteer – everyone knows it is a death sentence.

    Every prior conscription and mobilization campaign since the war has commenced has failed to conscript it’ desired goal – typically after reaching 55%-70% they declare it a success with much bluster, and keep the numbers quiet.

    On the flip side putler has been careful – he has yet to really touch his white core power base in the Moscow -St Petes arc. The last report I viewed indicated less than 1% of the ruzzian military strength, particularly army, was drawn from that population. putler knows that if they feel the effects of the war he might just end up face first in a ditch so this area remains relatively untouched and unscathed. They still believe the bullshit as that is all they are fed 24/7 in media all of which is 100% controlled. They believe the bluster, the fallacy that ruzzia can go toe to toe with NATO because none of they have experienced loss yet in a larger scale.

    Anyways all these pronouncements are in hopes that you the reader on reddit and other social platforms in the west will buy into the ruzzian propaganda campaign that they will never cease, that they have endless resources and will.

    If they did, the war would already be over, and ruzzia not relying on North Korean shells and Iranian drones and missiles, and they would be recording massive daily gains across the front.

    Everytime now when I see a post on a Ukrainian sub about ruzzia is going to do this and that, I downvote it. Because it is just fulfilling their propaganda goals. And I am not in the business of assisting them.

  7. More fertilizer. It can take about two years for a human body (assuming no coffin/embalming) to fully integrate into the soil, although nutrient release occurs within those first 12 months. The bodies of missing Russian soldiers from the early days of the war are likely now in full swing contributing to the nutrient enrichment of Ukrainian soil.

  8. Given the escalating levels of monetary incentives, how long can Russia continue to rely on “volunteers” before they’re straight up selling everything to China for soldiers’ wages?

  9. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the US has a wayyy better quality of life and 3 times the population and couldn’t pull those numbers lol

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