What do you think about the President of Argentina?

What do you think about the President of Argentina?


by delugepro

  1. He’s an imbecile. Apparently he doesn’t trust anybody to do their job well. Which means that he himself can’t be trusted either. He’s not a leader by any sense of the word, other than leading people towards the sewers and death.

  2. Very bad idea to privatize everything, we are already suffering from crony capitalism.

  3. He gave away all of Argentina Gold Reserves. Now Argentina has Zero Gold reserves. Wonder how much commission he got for this. Guy needs to be arrested and hanged for just this alone

  4. Give him time to see if his policies work. The way it was definitely was not working

  5. He doesn’t do anything of what he saids. He is a communist, he is controlling the price of the local currency using debt and sets the fixed income of money extremely high. The money you can make now in Argentina with carry trade is insane. It’s financial corruption. He runs the country as if it was a shitcoin startup. Make a quit buck and run away

  6. That’s delusional. While capitalist enterprises and their private products are good for the economy, some things shouldn’t be privatised. Look at Britain when they privatised their infrastructure under Margret Thatcher. Now, most of them want to restore infrastructure utilities like water enterprises and railways to public ownership. Look at the privatised infrastructure of the USA. Everyone keep saying it’s crippled and outdated not to mention that the government keep giving subsidies to them. Why rely on private infrastructure when you keep subsiding it instead of nationalizing it?

  7. This question comes up regularly. Please see

    [https://www.reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/1f9ht8b/dear_argentinian_what_are_your_feelings_regarding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/1f9ht8b/dear_argentinian_what_are_your_feelings_regarding/) (a month ago)


    [https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1fy3htc/what_do_you_think_about_the_president_of_argentina/](https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1fy3htc/what_do_you_think_about_the_president_of_argentina/) (two months ago)

  8. He is a religious person, who believes in capitalism. Argentina needs a banking and tax reform if there is an inflation and a lot of subsidised entities. His policies will work for some extent, but will never finally fix the problem.

  9. It’s a nice argument, but the problem is: Peoples incentives don’t align. Sometimes, good for me is bad for you. That’s what the state is really there to solve.

  10. He clearly stated that he is a mole, infiltrated in the state to destroy it from within. He goes around escorted by agents of the secret service from a foreign country, the one country that can’t be named. The first thing he did when he won the election was raise that country’s flag. He gave away our gold reserves, abandoned our sovereign claim over the Malvinas, increased poverty by 6 million new poor people, wants to privatize everything, and is currently working to dismantle our public health system while trying to make our renowned education system paid.

    In his first set of laws, he allowed foreign companies to dig, extract, and take away our mineral resources for free. Even Biden said, “I can’t believe this guy, he’s giving everything away and asking for nothing in return it’s even suspicious.” He handed over control of Patagonia’s aquifers, some of the largest water reserves on the planet, to that unnameable country—not to a private company, but to a public state company from that country—.

    At international forums, he claimed that we, the Argentine people, are on the front line in the defense of that foreign country, and that Argentina is no longer neutral, dragging us into a war that has NOTHING to do with us. He did the same with Ukraine; this guy is trying to involve us in every war.

    At the same time, he keeps printing money and asking for debt.

    The media keeps saying everything is normal, even that things are good—that Argentina’s macroeconomics are stable. But this is, indeed, the worst nightmare our people have ever endured.

    This man is a pawn. He’s not even sane. Someone is pulling his strings.

    It’s pretty clear that this man is trying to destroy my country, and it’s starting to be clear who’s giving the orders. Every decision he made was, in fact, oriented to benefit USA, England and the one country that cant be named, fucking us over in the proccess, Qui Bono, Qui prodest?

    Anarchocapitalism is a scam, the Austrian School of Economics theories and speeches are just fog, a screen, a diversion. Milei’s mission has been clearly stated by him: He’s come to destroy us. Like in war, but without shootings.

  11. See how well privatization of parking meters worked in Chicago. Sold the parking meters in 2008 for 1.1 billion for a 75 year contract. The private company made over 150 million in 2023 and recouped their initial investment by 500 million while screwing the tax payers in Chicago of needed revenue. The privatized parking meters contract expires in 2083…where the private company will have made many billions over their initial investment.


  12. Unlike the majority of the people here, he’s an actual economist so let’s wait and see.

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