Die Londoner U-Bahn ist mit Karten der „Vergewaltigungstunnel“ der Hamas in Gaza bedeckt

Die Londoner U-Bahn ist mit Karten der „Vergewaltigungstunnel“ der Hamas in Gaza bedeckt


  1. The London Underground featured maps showing the ‘rape tunnels’ of Hamas in Gaza on Monday to remind Londoners of the appalling acts of Hamas.

    A group of both Jewish and non-Jewish British Israel supporters hung maps showing the ‘rape tunnels’ of Hamas in Gaza on the walls of the London Underground on Monday, the first anniversary of the horrors committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7. Their goal was for every station and train within the Underground line to display the maps.

    The purpose of this exhibit aims to remind Londoners of the appalling purposes for which Hamas had created their subterranean network – rape, murder, torture, and further terrorist activities – as supporters call for the UK government to do everything to ensure the release of the 101 hostages still unaccounted for after 365 days. In contrast, the London Tube has been used repeatedly by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to spread anti-Israel hate and antisemitism in Britain’s capital. 

  2. Rape is bad, except when it’s Jewish and Israeli women… /s

    This may seem an exaggeration, but this is precisely what opponents of Israel are saying…

  3. Good point.. how many subways could’ve been built with those money allocated for the rape tunnels

  4. “The world hates a Jew who hits back. The world loves us only when we are to be pitied” – Golda Meir

  5. Anyone caught trying to tear down these posters deserve a severe punishment for getting mad over the truth. Just because Israel are doing questionable attacks that need highlighting doesn’t mean we can’t highlight the horrible crimes committed by Hamas as well. There is no one totally on the side of good, every group has done evil things where the innocents of Israel and Palestine have suffered 

  6. What’s a rape tunnel?

    Edit: I knew about the tunnels I didn’t know there was ongloing raping in them.

  7. This won’t change anything in a positive way. Pro palestinians will stay pro palestinian and only will react to this by saying “but all the women and children who died” “50k people died” “illegal occupation of Palestinian territories”.

    I don’t see these posters having any positive effects.

    You can only create understanding by stating your issues and let the other party help to solve it. “my people are taken hostage” and “my people’s land is being stolen”. Both parties need to compromise and lose something.

    The only puts oil on the fire.

  8. How can anyone in their right minds be pro-Hamas? All those protestors conveniently ignore stuff like this because ‘Israel bad, Israel evil’. All of Israel’s neighbours have repeatedly issued statements that they’ll blow Israel out of the earth. They simply don’t want to co-exist like human beings should. So who really is evil here?

  9. This point doesn’t get brought up enough. A huge part of this movement from the very beginning was and still is, Palestinians = black (good) Israel = white (bad). Any attempt to highlight the atrocities of the “good” guys is met immediately with overwhelming backlash. There is no compromise.

  10. So, are these rape tunnels from following the teachings of Muhammad or are they an example of Allah being merciful?

  11. You’re not allowed to show the atrocities committed by Palestine terrorists though.

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