Shopped at Sports Direct recently? Check your bank statements for an overcharge

Probably a better sub for this post, but what the heck.

Went shopping on Friday and randomly checked my bank statement end of the day. Noticed a charge had been made from Sports Direct on my account for £2, which wasn't from me. Went into the branch today and the manager casually told me I wasn't the first person to bring this to their attention, they are aware of it and that the past week or so it's happened to others.

No idea if it's localised or nationwide, but best to check your accounts if you have shopped there recently.

I had to open a dispute with my bank about this, as they couldn't do anything in store to help (apparently.)

So check just in case! I know it's only £2 but it's the principle, dammit! (Said in true British fashion)

by LunarWoIfy

  1. Overcharge when you didn’t even buy anything? Did you meant to say it was original amount + £2?

  2. What exactly does Sports Direct sell? I know Mike Ashley owned them/owns them? Right?

  3. Not had this, but they did once charge me twice for an item instead of refunding it.

  4. The banks now legally have to reimburse you if you give money to a fraudster.

    I am in no way saying this is fraud, but it does seem a little unusual that many people got “overcharged” the same amount for something they definitely didn’t purchase .

  5. The only time I have ever had my card details nicked was when I used their website. How do I know this you ask? Well it’s an easy answer… it was the first and only transaction on my new credit card up to the date I found out what had happened. Someone had kindly bought a TV in Harrow with my details for £500

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