how’s that a crime

by giaa3752

  1. annoying guy got fined? that’s plausibly legitimate

    it’ll depend on context, but a fine could be appropriate. depends how much of a dick he was being

  2. He was doing it to mourners during a funeral. It wasn’t as though he was being silly and doing at night to frighten people walking by. He was being obnoxious.

  3. First they came for the Nazi-saluting pugs, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a pug.

    Then they came for the memes, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a meme lorde.

    Then they came for those making ‘wooooooh’ noises in the cemetery, and I did not speak out—Because I did not make ‘wooooooh’ noises in the cemetery.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

  4. Being an immature bellend at a cemetery should result in a smack in the mouth. Have some respect for where you are, dickhead.

  5. was he doing it for internet fame or clout or something. because if that is reason then it was probably good reason he was fined. keep your tomfoolery out of the cemetery!

  6. He was threatening and being abusive to people. That is what he plead guilty to and was fined for. Media just like to focus on the ludicrous side of things and say that is why he was arrested and ignore the actual reason.

  7. Good 👍 this is a place where we put our dead and not a place with an invitation for people to take the piss

    Imagine being at your loved ones’ funeral, and there’s a twat like this guy there .. what would you do

  8. Love how they kick of the article with unemployed😂, proper stabbing that.

  9. This is disrespectful to the mourners. He’s behaving like a 14 yr old. Ghosts are not wearing white sheets and flailing their arms around – that’s kids stuff.

  10. Many years ago there was a “ghost” spotted on CCTV at an old 18th century hall in Leicester, and a load of ghost hunters from all over the world came over to try and catch a glimpse of this ghost – it’s mentioned on their [Wikipedia page](

    At around the same time, my dad’s mate’s missus left him, so he went on the piss for a few days. They drink in the pub next door to this place.

    Whilst all these ghost hunters were there, dad’s mate was caught by the police, pissed out of his brain, trying to scale the wall (which must be about 30ft) with a sheet over his head pretending to be a ghost. He got nicked for drunk and disorderly, but to this day makes me laugh.

  11. Being unemployed isn’t really relevant is it? And I had no idea pretending to be a ghost was a crime now. What next?

  12. That would certainly qualify as a public nuisance, in that it would cause serious distress or annoyance to mourners. There’s few things in life more serious than the death of family, after all. That’s how it’s a crime. It’s not going to attract the maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, of course, but giving him a decent fine wouldn’t be out of order.

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