A few Kingfisher pics I took today. Stodmarsh nature reserve, Kent.

A few Kingfisher pics I took today. Stodmarsh nature reserve, Kent.

by Radwaymm

  1. These are amazing pics! I’ve tried many times to photograph these little guys but they’re so quick!

  2. how do you take this kind of picture? As in, do you set up your camera in a particular position and then wait for a bird to come into frame, or do you follow a bird and then do focussing really quickly?

    I saw a man in the park a few weeks ago with a long telephoto lens taking pictures of birds in the lake – he had the camera on a tripod and didn’t seem to be moving it so I assumed he was waiting for birds to fly into frame – but that seems like you’d need to have really good luck or wait for days?

  3. I know one lives near me on the river Test but all I’ve ever seen is a flash of that beautiful blue as it zooms into the bushes

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