Russia sentences American to 7 years for alleged mercenary role in Ukraine

Russia sentences American to 7 years for alleged mercenary role in Ukraine

A Russian court sentenced a 72-year-old American to nearly seven years in prison Monday, Oct. 7, for fighting as a mercenary in Ukraine. Prosecutors said Stephen Hubbard, a Michigan native, signed a contract with Ukraine’s military after Russia’s 2022 invasion and was paid $1,000 a month to fight alongside Ukrainian forces.

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  1. Sentencing for mercenary in Ukraine, just listen. Sentenced for fighting in Ukraine against ruzzia, which has no claim on another country. That would be the same if swedes would be sentenced in Finland by soviets in 1939 because they helped get soviet Union expelled from Finland. Retards

  2. Why did this American take up arms against the Russians? He wanted to get the big salary promised by Zelensky. But the Ukrainian oligarchs cheated people like him outright. He stood up against the Russians – now he is punished. The Yankees are going home.

  3. 72 yr old, ignorant. He wasn't ready, after a lifetime. Like every other old person, who belongs in a nursing home or nut house, thinking he can do the work of a 20 yr old. So old, 2.5 entire army careers & he still didn't die. Imagine Biden's age, he would have tripped & broken an arm osteoporosis, looking for his nap-time pills on the battlefield. A guy like that, better left in jail he's too dangerous, can't be released in public.

  4. If you travel to Africa, you could be eaten by a lion. If you travel to Australia then a snake might get you. Go to a backward country and you can be locked up for years. All travel has risks.

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