Die IDF eliminiert Suhail Hussein Husseini von der Hisbollah, den Kommandeur des Hauptquartiers der Terrorgruppe

Die IDF eliminiert Suhail Hussein Husseini von der Hisbollah, den Kommandeur des Hauptquartiers der Terrorgruppe


  1. The IAF conducted a precise strike on Monday that eliminated Suhail Hussein Husseini, Commander of the Hezbollah terrorist organization headquarters in the Beirut area, the IDF announced the following day.

    Husseini, a member of Hezbollah’s Jihad Council, participated in weapon transfers between the terror group and Iran and was responsible for distributing the advanced weaponry among Hezbollah’s units.

    The headquarters oversees Hezbollah’s logistics and manages the terror group’s various units.

  2. Damn Israel doesn’t mess around. They moved in and attacked them fast.

    At this rate these leaders are panicking

  3. If this war has taught me anything is that Hamas did it correctly hiding behind hostages. Otherwise, they’d be like Hezbollah, falling like cards. Deplorable, but ‘smart’

  4. I’m almost out of Hezbollah Wanted Terrorist playing cards all that’s left are the jokers.

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