Migrant, 32, who was jailed in the UK before being deported sneaks back into Britain and wins the right to stay… under the ECHR

Migrant, 32, who was jailed in the UK before being deported sneaks back into Britain and wins the right to stay… under the ECHR


by ParkedUpWithCoffee

  1. We need to stop following these stupid abstract laws.

    We literally can’t deport Somali gang rapists because Somali “is a bit dangerous”
    Or Pakistani pedos because “they have a right to family life in the U.K.”

    Just ignore it and deport them what is the “international police” going to arrest Starmer for sending some sweaty nonce back to the Horn of Africa?

  2. I know this is a daily mail windup, but the system clearly isn’t working for us and people are getting fed up. Either politicians start taking this sort of thing seriously or the west is going to take a very hard lurch to the right. 

  3. > Mr Jenrick said continued membership of the ECHR was making it ‘impossible for us to finish the job we began with Brexit, which is to restore sovereignty to our people and our Parliament’.

    Who or what are they going to blame when we leave the ECHR and still we find that it is actually due to the incompetence of the British state that we cannot manage immigration properly?

  4. Heeeeere we go boys.

    People using immigration as justification to jump off the ECHR.

    Buckle up because it’s going to be a bumpy ride. This is going to be the lesser spoken about brexit 2.0

  5. Daily heil trying to convince you to lessen human rights laws because that will make your life better, just trust us.

    Remember brexit? Remember how that was gonna solve all the problems, and just made them all worse?

    Oh look, all the racists are falling for it again, what a surprise.

  6. Ah the DM is going hard on the Robert Jenrick future PM lark is it.

    And all you redditors will lap it up without a full comprehension of what revoking the ECHR means to YOU.. just like leaving the EU all over again.

  7. I wonder why the Daily Mail is specifically talking about the ECHR. I’m sure the owners of the paper don’t have anything to gain by running this.

  8. Should be on the first plane out, end of discussion.

    ECHR was not built in a time of mass migration and manipulation by legal. It’s now a massive business. The shady dealings of these agencies telling illegal migrants what to say, what passport to throw away, it’s already been looked into, and many agencies are currently under investigation by journalists and the government.

    We also know over a third of asylum seekers return home for the holidays. I’d argue that third should now be going home. System is so abused.

    Update it or leave it.

  9. Border force yet again proving their negligence.

    Yet they saw fit to go through every inch of my motorbike and were literally counting individual cigarettes from the guy infront of me.


  10. Oh yeah let’s just not have a charter of human rights, that sounds like a good idea

  11. Damned human rights. Getting in the way of great British common sense again.

    Ban human rights!

  12. I don’t understand why committing a crime isn’t an automatic bar to residency. This would be an easy win for the government.

    The govt. is allowed to refused asylum or residency if the applicant is a threat to the UK, surely this would meet that threshold?

  13. I said Farage (full disc. I think he’s a ***t & couldn’t vote for him) was going to be in No.10.by 2029 and people laughed but every day it draws closer and looks more and more likely & we’ve not even escaped 2024 yet.

  14. This post title is almost like you’d asked ChatGPT “give me a sentence that will get people from the UK frothing at the mouth”.

  15. But if you are a British citizen, you have no such automatic right to have your family with you unless you earn a certain income level, can prove a legitimate relationship and pay thousands to bring them here legally. Two tier immigration policy?

  16. Ah so here we go. Now theyre pushing for us to leave the ECHR. I was wondering when this would happen. No doubt we Weill here more sound clips of farage spouting crap on the matter.

  17. Trying to find the actual details and can only find the Daily Mail and GB news reporting the story. So, a non-story to wind up the football avatar bearing twitter users.

  18. Honestly doesn’t matter who you vote for as the ones that really matter aren’t affected by elections because they can’t be voted out, that’s the general Bureaucracy and civil servants.

  19. If these clowns in charge don’t sort this mess out I can see more riots kicking off , this is not good enough .

  20. ✅ dailymail.org as a source

    ✅ migrants on boats randomly throughout the article

    ✅ zoom-in on a migrant to show they’re all males

    ✅ quote from conservative MP

    shit your pants a little bit more guys, fear is upon us 👍

  21. The boats shouldn’t be getting close. We have a navy and plane spotters. They should be turned back as soon as they leave the french shore.

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