Got my 50th Blood Donation Certificate

I’ve been donating since 2005 feeling very proud of myself!

by Purple_fish_52

  1. Donating blood is the only way to get microplastics and forever chemicals out of your blood safely. Your body makes new plastic-free blood to replace it!

  2. Ohh yea you get a certificate I get the police called on me and so many questions, where’d you get the bucket, who’s blood is it 🤷🏻‍♂️ jesh, double standards or what

  3. Congrats, I’ll get my 50th early next year. Goal is to get 100 before I turn 50. What’s your post donation biscuit preference?

  4. I am not allowed to give blood in Germany because I lived in the UK longer than 6 months between 1980 and 1996.

    Blood could be tainted by Mad Cow Disease.

    The NHS loved my blood and plasma cos it had super powers. I was a regular donor for many years in England.

    Mad is the word for it.

  5. Well done you that’s amazing! As someone who has been a receiver I want to say thank you on behalf of all the others who’ve received blood, we’re never not grateful! 🦸

  6. I tried donating blood but they rejected me. They were more interested in whose blood it was and why it was in a bucket.

  7. Wouldn’t it be cool when they checked your blood and something isn’t right they let you know,

  8. Well done! As someone banned for life, I live vicariously through those who can still donate.

  9. I got a wee gold pin badge for my 50th but no certificate. I think up here you get a quaich for when you hit 100.

  10. I always wanted to give blood but was really scared of the whole process, then I got cancer & had well I so many needles & chemo drips that I overcame my fear, but now, even thought its ‘cured’, because of the cancer I am no longer allowed.

  11. Well done! Just think of all of the free tea and biscuits you’ve earned yourself over those donations!

    (The saving lives thing is also great too)

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