Map shows Russia-tied “floating bomb” ship anchored off NATO ally’s shore

Map shows Russia-tied “floating bomb” ship anchored off NATO ally’s shore

by newsweek

  1. By Brendan Cole AND John Feng:

    The operators of a damaged ship containing an explosive cargo have said that media coverage has hampered attempts to dock, as a map shows the vessel’s latest stranded offshore location off the coast of the U.K.

    The Malta-flagged cargo ship Ruby is carrying 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate and has been dubbed by British media as a “floating bomb.” It left Russia’s northern port of Kandalaksha on August 22 to head for Las Palmas in the Atlantic Ocean. Following a storm, it sought refuge at the Norwegian port of Tromsø on September 3.

    Read more: [](

  2. This shit gives me anxiety, send them back to Russian territory. They had MULTIPLE opportunities to hit a Rus port, but kept canvassing NATO ports. Fishy as fuck. Don’t play that game.

  3. Probably nothing nefarious here, just the near ubiquitous shady practices of the international shipping industry (the vessel was Maltese flagged and managed by a UAE company, the only “tie” to Russia was where it picked up the cargo en route to the Canaries–which I find interesting because I never thought of them as a big agricultural center). The official Newsweek account was making a bit of a reach by posting like it’s one of the (many valid) Russian sabotage platforms.

    The findings were likely a combination of storm damage plus the crappy upkeep and employment practices of a lot of these international operators.

    It’s still very scary, though– about 2kt of AN cargo caused both the Beirut explosion and the Texas City disaster, but the amount carried by *Ruby* would be approximately on par with the Nagasaki bomb. Wouldn’t be airburst, of course (or a direct TNT equivalent), but you could still kiss any port and seaside town goodbye if it went off.

  4. Russia, dodgy ship, UAE, dodgy ship, expired papers, Russia, poor repair, UEA.

    No idea why it didn’t turn back after being “damaged” in what all accounts was a very mild storm.

  5. there is a sunken WW2 ammo ship somehwere near there. if this ship blows up near it, it will be like a nuke went off.

  6. The bigger issue is that is lying very close to the SS Richard Montgomery which still holds an estimated 1,400 tons of explosives that was sunk in WW2 , if the SS Richard Montgomery was to blow it would send an unstoppable tidal wave straight into the heart of London. Watch this ship very carefully because the danger it poses would be a huge gain for Russia. Earlier in the war the Russians spoke of detonating a nuke to flood London and now we have this ship sitting very close to the SS Richard Montgomery , this would be the perfect accident to destroy London…

  7. >Port State Control inspection found the ship had a cracked hull, expired seafarer employment agreements, and deficiencies regarding International Safety Management (ISM)

    Why am I not surprised.

  8. This situation has been going on for a while – they should transfer the cargo at sea to one or several seaworthy ships. Ship-to-ship cargo transfer is not that unusual and would solve this problem pretty quickly… so the reluctance of the owners to do this, is in itself a bit shady.

  9. Send it to New York!! Wait, no, further south. Mobile, Alabama. Send it to Mobile, Alabama. It’s Hurricane season, baby!

    In seriousness, the crew ought to be arrested and interrogated, and the cargo seized. I assume, announcing the seizure and arrest will see that ship miraculously repaired and high tailing back to Russia.

  10. Russia won’t want to light that candle as it will unify the left and right of the US while NATo partners consider if Article 5 is triggered.

  11. Pretty damn obvious that this is rither a threat or a way to create chaos and murder more people.

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