My fellow countrymen (m/v) are gonna love me for this

My fellow countrymen (m/v) are gonna love me for this

by ArduennSchwartzman

  1. Funny accent sure, but we took all the usefull things from German, Fr*nch and English so language wise it is better.

    Eitherway I would not mind us becoming one nation with Germany (WITHOUT GUNS GERMANY). Ofcourse we should controll a lot of the decision making so current Germany actually improves.

    In hindsight, it would ruin our per capita stats so maybe not.

  2. Go back to your hills, Southern Jan. The air is so thin up there it’s giving you delusions of being important again.

  3. Last time I checked I could still do my taxes online and not visit 14 different offices, send about a 100 fax messages and get it all stamped and sealed with a wax seal. I will admit we’re pretty similar in some ways, but unlike the Germans we did move on past 1983.

  4. The Germans like a good fight though. The Dutch prefer to run fast and hard and call it de-escalation.

  5. German is just drunk Dutch. Because every dutchman is able to speak it when we’re drunk, but when sober it is much harder.

  6. Man I love the Netherlands… I’d actually wish they’d be considered German, they’re just better at almost everything it’s horrible… It used to be funny to trash talk the Dutch, it just doesn’t work anymore…

  7. It isn’t. I can understand dutch words to a degree. German is just “evil” if it was a language.

  8. This whole comment section and even the post make it all feel like it’s opposite day.

  9. If any variation of this kneeslapper of a joke isn’t posted here at least every 48 hours, people start hyperventilating. Thanks for doing your part, OP.

  10. It’s the other way around. We should liberate our countrymen from one and a half century of Prussian occupation, look at how much better they felt after just a brief 50 year seperation.

  11. I stand by it, before the Wilders incident I woulda loved you to annex, at least Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. I’d be ready to learn your cute language, I love it uwu

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