Mapping Foreign Interference in Canadian Elections: A Web of Events Built from 54 News Reports [OC]

Mapping Foreign Interference in Canadian Elections: A Web of Events Built from 54 News Reports [OC]
byu/boundless-discovery ingeopolitics

Posted by boundless-discovery

  1. Considering China is currently building an icebreaker fleet to capitalize on melting arctic ice opening new trade routes it’s logical to interfere with the elections of the country with the second largest arctic corridors and a governing party that’s very China friendly. The liberal party of Canada has been cozying up to China for decades- in 1994 only five years after the Tiananmen Square massacre saw prime minister Jean Chrétien with a delegation negotiate a 9 billion dollar trade deal. Under prime minister Justin Trudeau a free trade deal was proposed in 2018 despite allegations of Uighur camps in northern China. Though that ultimately fell through and was officially shelved in 2020 amidst rapidly deteriorating relations due to the Meng Wanzhou arrest and extradition proceedings the Trudeau government nevertheless attempted to secure COVID vaccines from China in 2020 which also ultimately fell through.

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