What do you think about this comparison?

What do you think about this comparison?


by delugepro

  1. This statement is as wild as his hair cut, there is no logical comparison or connection between money and knowledge in this way.

    Also Argentina poverty skyrocketed because of this foolishness

  2. Flawed premise: who ever said that printing money would end poverty?

    I have the sense that he doesn’t even understand what money really is…

    Anybody who’s interested should read Douglass Rushkoff’s texts on the introduction of national currencies in midieval times. See e.g. this one https://rushkoff.com/fork-the-economy-2/

  3. Does anyone actually say printing money will end poverty? There’s reasons to print money but no one thinks it’ll end poverty. That’s literally no one’s motive or goal for that.

    I think he’s arguing with no one and declaring himself the winner.

  4. I think we should all ponder the stupidity of complaining about taxes when we don’t bat an eye paying interest to banks who give back nothing in return to society.

  5. A true president for the new millennium: zippy soundbytes instead of worthwhile policy.

  6. Libertarians have answers for everything, except reality. The only thing they are good for is the economic collapse they cause blowing up a failed economy. Russia didn’t go so well because the Russian mob just took over privatized Russian companies for a very low price.

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