[Plettenberg] Liverpool Legend Jürgen Klopp will become the new “Global Head of Soccer” at Red Bull on January 1, 2025. Klopp has already signed a long-term contract. Additionally, Klopp has secured an exit option allowing him to become the head coach of the German national team in the future

[Plettenberg] Liverpool Legend Jürgen Klopp will become the new “Global Head of Soccer” at Red Bull on January 1, 2025. Klopp has already signed a long-term contract. Additionally, Klopp has secured an exit option allowing him to become the head coach of the German national team in the future

by TheBiasedSportsLover

  1. Red Bull? Well, didn’t see that one coming if it’s true. Doesn’t seem to be in line with his principles from my view point.

  2. [Jurgen Klopp after joining Liverpool in 2015: “I’m a football romantic”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQZuposbSLw)

    [Jurgen Klopp in 2017: (I’m a football romantic and I like tradition in football and all that stuff. In Germany)](https://www.marca.com/en/football/international-football/2017/04/28/59036942268e3e46608b459e.html)

    Klopp’s reputation has taken a massive blow in Germany for sure

    **Context:** German football is organised in such a way that the fans, not a bunch of billionaires, have most of the powers in their clubs. Even clubs like Bayern and Dortmund are majority owned by club members, not rich owners. Red Bull are actively fighting/circumventing the 50+1 model which ensures that clubs stay fan-owned in Germany and can‘t sell a majority stake to investors. Meanwhile clubs like Schalke and Hamburg are financially struggling. Red Bull represents everything wrong with football today.

    Germans simply do not want German football to turn into the soulless corporations other clubs have become.

  3. Hardly surprising. As OP already pointed out here, despite Klopp’s claims of being a football romantic, he has spent years advertising a glorified Pyramide scheme (DVAG) and he certainly never turned his nose up at the fat checks Liverpool signed him.

  4. It’s always a case of when will a person will show their true colours.

    Liverpool fans rightfully love the guy for the achievements he gave them but acting like he was some sort of perfect human who wasn’t just chasing a bag was hilarious. People thought they knew him on a personal level and wouldn’t let anyone bad mouth him but it turns out he is the same as all the other money chasing losers in this sport.

    Trying to claim he is a footballing romantic and purist but goes on to do this, what a bellend. Dortmund fans will be pissed and hopefully they reject his legacy as this doesn’t benefit fans in the slightest.

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